
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

14 January 1955 "Rock N Roll, More Bacon, Meatloaf and Cake"

January 14 - In New York City, Alan Freed ( also known as Moondog, was an American disc-jockey who became internationally known for promoting African-American rhythm and blues) produces the first rock and roll concert.

I am blogging late today, as I have been busy and my usual schedule didn't allow for my blogging this morning.

Yesterdays 'luncheon' was fun.
Here is my vintage friend entering our hangout. It is an authentic diner. I, of course, forgot any pictures with me in them, but there will be more pics of the diner in the future as we go there alot.

Mmmmm, yummy fried food. They have really good bacon burgers and they are tiny like they probably were in 1955. They have great bread pudding too.

Here is an "artsier" shot. I love the girth of the fellow at the counter (which is where I am heading with the increase of bacon in my diet)

I actually have a funny story about our trip there: My girdle felt extra tight yesterday and half way thru my meal I couldn't take it any longer and had to go into the bathroom and take it off. It is fairly large, even when it is rolled up, so I stuck it in my pocket. I was worried that the waitress would think I was stealing toilet paper, as that was about the size it appeared rolled into my pocket. The short story is I was able to return less restrained and share a great strawberry shortcake for dessert.

Today I was busy lil beaver. I reorganized a closet in the kitchen, hanging shelves and making little bins to keep things in. I also put together a meat loaf and made from scratch creamed corn. I also put together a cake. It was pretty involved. I made a red devils food cake (which was much like a science project with beaten egg whites to which you slowly add sugar. You had to had the baking soda to warm water and mix that BEFORE it was added to the mixture. The shortening and sugar had to be creamed and then flour and iced water had to be mixed in alternately etc.) I then made a new icing, it was a '7 minute' and was interesting in that you use regular sugar as opposed to confectioners sugar. You put that and eggs etc and then in a double boiler with the water boiling use the hand mixer for seven minutes. I added chocolate to this as well. Then I made a homemade recipe for chocolate cream filling. These were all separate recipes but I wanted to combine them in one cake. So the cream filling is in the middle of the two layers with the 7 minute chocolate icing on top. Here is how it turned out. I am rather proud of it and it was yummy.

This time I made the icing more swirly, as I had seen this technique in my 50's cook book. You can see that the color is lighter than my previous chocolate cake.

Well, I am not blogging late again, as I am soo tired and I need to still clean up the kitchen from dinner. All in all, a good busy day. By the end of the day, now, I am quite tired. I think this might be one of the hardest jobs I have really had, and also one of the most rewarding.
As a funny aside, this morning by accident I turned on the radio in the kitchen instead of hitting play so that it would play the old radio songs/ shows cd. The modern music sounded odd and jarring. It felt like a strange cacophony of crashes and electricity. It was an odd feeling.