
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

29 June 1957 "In The Vegetable Garden"

 Many families in the 1950’s still recalled the War years “Victory Garden”. While some were more than happy to let their veg plots turn into lawns and flower beds many still desired to grow their own. Even the  new and many postage stamp lawns in Levittown-type neighborhoods didn’t make room for veg garden, most likely pots of tomatoes and herbs shared the patio or window boxes.
Today, many people are returning to ‘growing their own’. Rather or not you have acreage or an apartment, there is always room for a tomato, herbs, even a large clay pot on a balcony with string or garden twine can support a good crop of snow/snap peas, or green beans. Make room for some veg and you will be rewarded with wonderful inexpensive fresh food this summer.
Here is some of the progress in my own little veg plot. I did not plant many things this year, as we currently have our home for sale, but I could not have a summer without tomatoes. 

Here are some little Sun Gold cherry tomatoes. We have already had some of these little darlings, as they ripen quickly, being a cherry size tomato. They are as sweet as candy with a hard finish (not too mushy).

 Most of my other tomatoes are still small and green. They are pretty, none the less, and of course even the foliage of the tomato has that lovely scent with which we are all so familiar. Brushing by them in the garden sends a heavenly aroma into the air, ahhhh summer gardens.
Here we can see one of my squash already forming nicely, with the hint of the remaining flower bud from which it forms atop it like a jaunty summer garden party hat. The color is a lovely greenish yellow that would be a great shade to paint kitchen trim, especially in a green and yellow 1930’s kitchen with Jadite dishes.

 I love happy little accidents like this. This is some of my corn. Somehow a squash seed made its way into this row and is living happily along with the corn. I don’t want to disturb it and am excited to see if it climbs the corn stalk as the corn grows and if they can live in harmony.

The colors of Swiss chard are always amazing. They have lovely yellow, orange, and of course this bright almost magenta pink/red. They are beautiful to look at and wonderful to eat.
 My gooseberry bushes live in my veg plot and are coming along nicely. I love the change from the chartreuse green to the varying shades of pink/red. Here is looks as if they have been spray painted, but that is the way the color forms to eventually this shade.

I thought I would share this helpful plot layout with yields for a family of four. One could figure out with these calculations for any size family, including a family of one. They are from my 50’s Better Homes and Gardens Garden Book. They are a good reference and could be printed and kept with your gardening folder/journal/plans. Enjoy!

Well, we American’s have a big Holiday week approaching, July 4th our day of Independence. I am sure many of us are looking forward to slices of watermelon, potato salad and fresh veg, ears of corn and Barbeque.

There is a new Vintage Daily News today which can be accessed with button on right or click HERE.

Happy Homemaking and Happy Gardening.
(I apoligize for the odd formatting and such in this post. My usual image writer I use to post my blog was not cooperating and I had to use the basic Blogger editor which is not very good for me)