
Saturday, September 24, 2011

24 September 1957 “Away a bit”

Yesterday I visited a friend I hadn’t seen in a month or two. We dressed up and went to a new tea house/art gallery in her town. It was a lovely old converted barn.

We had afternoon tea with sweets and little finger sandwiches. Their desserts were so good and you could tell were made on premises with actual ingredients. We were served in real China tea cups and pot. They were all mismatched and it made it charming. There were starched white linen tablecloths. We even had to pour our tea through strainers, which made it more fun and the tea better tasting. We had Earl Grey (I adore bergamot, one of the main elements of Earl Grey that gives it it’s wonderful aromatic bouquet).

My friend looked adorable and when we later went to a large antiques Market, one of the proprietors said, “Oh, it’s the Vintage gals again. We haven’t seen you in awhile”. We smiled at that, having been remembered. But, I suppose wearing dresses and looking ‘put together’ in our small ocean-side towns draws attention, good attention I might add.

I should have been good and brought my camera, but quite honestly I just forget. I went out without a thought about it. I feel bad now, but at the time I was just living a day. This past week I have been taking rather a little break from the computer and technology. It isn’t permanent, I assure you, but I just needed it. No concerns about what to write or share, no worries over the camera and downloading images, no scanning or dog earring magazines, just simply living. It was rather nice. And I think I needed it as a sort of cleanse from this past month and into the coming Autumn.

I hope in my doing so I haven’t lost many readers, but if I have, what can I do? Nothing. I am here to share and enjoy what I do. I love writing and I do, mostly, enjoy sharing images, ideas, tips, and such of the time. But, I wanted to see what it felt like without it being there. It felt like normal life. Yet I also see now, as I type this, that it also felt like a holiday and now this seems ‘work as usual’. Though I am sure you will scold for their being no pictures of my Vintage day out, nor any good recipes for tea things and so on.

I hope you all have a lovely day and I will close here with this helpful video from 1946 (arranging the Tea Table). Happy Homemaking.