
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

13 December 1957 “On the Second Day of Christmas My True Love Gave to Me: Two Turtle Doves or was it Turtle Necks?”

3turtlenecks Well, in this case let’s say we gave two turtle necks. I thought turtle necks would be a fun thing to look at. Many of us might think of a turtle neck more as an 80’s fashion statement, as they were, but the sleeker less ‘necky’ version of the turtle neck has been around for years.

This was such a fun image I couldn’t help but play around with it and make this fun doubles version of the lovely lady in the turquoise clam diggers, flats and wonderful turtleneck decorating her stylish modern Christmas ‘tree

1960\'s Vintage Knitting Pattern Children\'s Pullover Turtleneck Sweater 6171

In some ways I feel the current unrest in the global financial markets require so much notice, but as we are approaching Christmas, perhaps some fun and frivoloity and simple looks at images and ideas are warranted. That is one of my main reasons to have fun with these 12 days leading up to Christmas (I know I know they gifts are meant to START on Christmas Day, but I think we just need some fun casual posts to Christmas)

Now, I know it is too late to knit a sweater as a gift for Christmas, but these patterns are free online. So, why not print them out with the image, make a cute little envelope and give them with a skein of yarn to your favorite knitter. It is inexpensive but definitely thoughtful. And what adorable patterns as well. There are more available at the link. I love when I find free items like this to share.

This lovely Free pattern for this vintage sweater thanks to Free Vintage Knitting.

Directions are for Size 12. Changes for Sizes 14, 16 and 18 are in parentheses.

Columbia-Minerva Calibar (2 oz skein) - 15(18-20-22) skeins
Columbia-Minerva Nylon and Wool Calibrette (2 oz skein) - 14(16-18-19) skeins

Knitting Needles: 1 pair each "Boye" Sizes 6 and 10½, 1 set "Boye" double point needles Size 6 and 1 "Boye" cable needle

Gauge: Pattern Stitch on Size 10½ needles - 4 sts to 1 inch; 5 rows to 1 inch

BACK: With Size 6 needles cast on 72(76-80-84) sts. Work in K 1, P 1 ribbing for 2 inches. Change to Size 10½ needles and work in pat as follows: Row 1 - Right side: P 5(7-9-11), * K 4, P 3, K 8, P 3, K 4 * P 3, K 12, P 3, repeat from * to * once, then P 5(7-9-11). Row 2: K 5(7-9-11), * P 4, K 3, P 8, K 3, P 4 *, K 3, P 12, K 3, repeat from * to * once, then K 5(7-9-11). Rows 3 and 4: Same as Rows 1 and 2. Row 5: P 5(7-9-11), * sl next 2 sts onto cable needle and hold in back of work, K next 2 sts, then K the 2 sts from cable needle for small cable twist, P 3, sl next 4 sts onto cable needle and hold in back of work, K next 4 sts, then K the 4 sts from cable needle for medium cable twist, P 3, twist small cable on next 4 sts P 3, sl next 3 sts onto cable needle and hold in front of work, K next 3 sts, then K the 3 sts from cable needle, sl next 3 sts to cable needle and hold in front of work, K next 3 sts, then K the 3 sts from cable needle for double cable twist, P 3, repeat from * to * once, then P 5(7-9-11). Rows 6 through 8: Repeat Rows 2, 1 and 2. Row 9: P 5(7- 9-11), * twist small cable, P 3, K 8, P 3, twist small cable *, P 3, K 12, P 3, repeat from * to * once, then P 5(7-9-11). Repeat Rows 2 through 9 for pat. Con­tinue in pat until back measures 14 inches or de­sired length, ending on wrong side. Raglan Armholes: Bind off 2 sts at beg of next 2 rows. Next row K 1, sl 1, K 1, psso, work to last 3 sts, K 2 tog, K 1. Work 1 row. Repeat last 2 rows until 18(20-22-22) sts rem. Sl sts onto st holder.

FRONT: Work same as Back until 34(36-38-40) sts rem, ending on right side of work. Next row work 11(12-13-14) sts and sl them onto st holder, work next 12 sts and sl them onto another st holder for neck, work to end of row. Dec 1 st at neck edge every row 3(4-5-5) times AND AT THE SAME TIME continue to dec 1 st at armhole until 1 st rem. Bind off. Work other side to correspond.

SLEEVES: With Size 6 needles cast on 32(34-36-38) sts. Work in K 1, P 1 ribbing for 2½ inches, inc'ing 2(2-2-4) sts on last row - 34(36-38-42) sts on needle. Change to Size 10½ needles and work in reverse St St, inc'ing 1 st each side every 1 inch 12 times - 58(60-62-66) sts on needle. Work until sleeve measures 16(16-16½-16½) inches or de­sired length from start. Raglan Cap of Sleeve: Bind off 2 sts at beg of next 2 rows. Dec 1 st each side every other row as on back until 4 sts rem. Sl sts onto st holder.

Sew sleeves to back and front, then sew underarm and sleeve seams.

TURTLE NECK: With double point needles, on right side of work, pick up and K 70(72-74-74) sts around neck including sts on holders. Divide sts onto 3 needles and work in K 1, P 1 ribbing for 4½ inches. Bind off loosely in ribbing.

Be Sure Your Stitch Gauge Is Correct

SIZE 14 to 16

1 Pr. Champion Standard Knitting Needles #8
1 Bone Crochet Hook #3
3-4 oz. pull skeins, Jack Frost Wintuk Knitting Worsted type

Scale — 4 sts. to 1 inch.


Cast on 69 sts. work in pattern as follows:

Row 1 — (Right side) purl across the row.

Row 2 — K1, P1 across the row, ending K1.

Repeat these 2 rows for pattern, work to underarm 13 inches. Bind off 4 sts. each side then work until armhole measures 7 ½ inches. Bind off 10 sts at the beginning of each row twice each side, then start pattern on row 2, this reverses pattern. Work for 6 inches. Bind off.


Work the same as back to underarm. Bind off 4 sts. each side. Work until armhole measures 5 ½ inches, slip the center 15 sts. on st. holder. Work 1 side at a time K2 tog. at neck edge every other row 3 times. Work even until armhole measures the same as back. Bind off 10 sts. from shoulder edge every other row twice. Work other side the same.


On wrong side of work pick up 47 sts. from shoulder to shoulder. Work in pattern for 6 inches. Bind off.


Sew sides and shoulders, sew side of collar with a slip st. Work 2 rows of single crochet around armhole. Bind off.

Block with a damp cloth.

This one is later than the 1950’s but I think they are adorable and a great way to save on heating bills sleeping in a full sweater set! And that top would like quite 1950’s with a pleated skirt and heels, don’t you think?

Directions are for Size 10. Changes for Sizes 12, 14, 16 and 18 are in parentheses.

REFLECTION (1 oz pull skein)
CAMELOT (1 oz ball)

Color shown
In photo

Amount Required








Color A-5833







Color B-225






Color C-226








Color A-5833







Color B-225






Color C-226






Knitting Needles: One pair each "Boye" Sizes 3 and 5 and one crochet hook Size E

Gauge: Stockinette Stitch on Size 5 - 6 sts to 1 inch; 8 rows to 1 inch


Back: With Size 5 needles and A - cast on 102(106-112-118-124). K 1 row and P 1 row for 5 rows, inc'ing 1 each side on last row. K next row for turn. Work in St St on the 104(108-114-120-126) sts to 12½ inches or desired length from turn, end on wrong side. Width across back is 17¼(18-19-20-21) inches.

Armholes: Bind off 4(4-4-5-6) at beg of next 2 rows. Dec 1 each side every row 5 times then every other row 2(3-4-5-6) times, end on wrong side - 82(84-88-90-92) sts rem. Width across is 13½(14-14¾-15-15¼) inches.

Divide for Neck Opening:
K 41(42-44-45-46) and sl them to a holder, K to end. Work on the 41(42-44-45-46) sts to 6½(6¾-7-7¼-7½) inches above underarm, end on right side.

Shoulder: Starting on next row bind off 8(8-8-9-9) sts at armhole 3(2-1-3-3) times then on Sizes 12(14) Only bind off 9 at same edge 1(2) times. Bind off rem'ing 17(17-18-18-19) for neck. Work other side to correspond.

Front: Omitting opening, work same as back to 4¼(4½-4¾-5-5¼) inches above underarm, end on right side.

Neck: P 33(34-35-36-36) and sl them to a holder, bind off center 16(16-18-18-20), P to end. Bind off 3 at neck edge 3 times. Work on the 24(25-26-27-27) sts to match back armhole.

Shoulder: Bind off 8(8-8-9-9) at side edge 3(2-1-3-3) times, then on Sizes 12(14) Only, bind off 9 sts at same edge 1(2) times. Starting at neck work other side.

Sleeves: With Size 5 needles and A - cast on 81(83-85-87-89) sts. K 1 row and P 1 row for 18 rows. Starting with a K row, work in stripes as follows:  * 4 rows of C, 6 rows of A, 8 rows of B, 6 rows of A *. Repeat from * to * once more then work 4 rows of C. With A - work in St St, dec'ing 1 st each side on next row then every 1½ inches 3 times more. Work on the 73(75-77-79-81) sts to 15 inches or 1 inch more than desired length to underarm, end on wrong side. Width across sleeve is 12¼(12½-12¾-13¼-13½) inches.

Sleeve Cap: Bind off 4 at beg of next 2 rows. Dec 1 each side every other row until 35 rem. Bind off 3 at beg of next 6 rows. Bind off.

Collar: With Size 5 needles and A - cast on 102(104-106-108-110). K 1 row and P 1 row for 18 rows. Work from * to * of sleeve once, changing to Size 3 needles for last A stripe. Work 4 more rows. Bind off. Sew shoulder seams. Turn up a 1 inch hem on collar and sew in place. Sew collar to neck. With A - crochet 1 row of sc around back opening and collar. Fold collar on Color B stripe and tack down at opening. Insert zipper. Sew sleeves in place. Seam underarms and sleeves. Turn up a 1 inch hem on sleeves. Sew up hem on lower edge.


Right Leg: Starting at lower edge with Size 5 needles and A - cast on 116(118-120-122-124). K 1 row and P 1 row for 2½ inches, end with a P row. Work stripes same as on sleeves.

Note: Directions are for 39½(40-40¼-40¾-41) inch pants from hemline to waist plus 1½ inches for hem at lower edge, based on in-seam length of 28½(28¾-28¾-29-29) inches. To lengthen or shorten make adjustment before first inc. With A - work in St St to 18(17-16-15-14) inches from start. Inc 1 each side on next row then every inch 11(12-12-12-12) times more then On Sizes 14(16-18) Only inc 1 each side every 4th row 2(4-6) times. Work on the 140(144-150-156-162) sts to 30(30¼-30¼-30½-30½) inches, end on wrong side - this includes unturned hem. Width across leg under crotch is 23¼(24-24¼-24¾-25) inches. Mark start of K row for start of front crotch.

Crotch: Bind off 3, then K to end.

Row 2: Bind off 6, then P to end. Dec 1 each side every row 6 times, then every other row 6 times. Dec 1 at front edge onlyevery other row 3 times - 104(108-114-120-126) sts rem. Width across at hipline is 17¼(18-19-20-21) inches. Dec 1 at back edge only every 6th row 7(8-5-7-7) times then every 4th(4th-4th-2nd-2nd) row until 94(98-102-104-108) rem. Work to 11(11¼-11½-11¾-12) inches above marker, end on right side. K next P row for turn. K 1 row and P 1 row for 6 rows. Bind off.

Left Leg: Marking end of K row for front edge, work to correspond to right leg. Sew leg seams to crotch. Sew back and front seams. Turn up a 1½ inch hem on each leg. Turn in hem at waistline leaving an opening to insert elastic cut to fit.

Be Sure Your Stitch Gauge Is Correct

Have a wonderful day, think happy thoughts about Christmas and as always, Happy Homemaking.