
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

29 May 1956 “Living My Life and Father Knows Best: Don’t Wear Your Pants So Low”

I have no real reason for my long 13 day absence from my blog. I have to admit to not even using the computer for the past few days. At my last check in I saw that our good follower/friend Sanne noted that we are having Spam on our new Forum. As I am paying monthly to have that forum so as NOT to have spam you can see that is rather frustrating. It was sort of another ‘straw breaking camel’s back’ for me.

I have been, then, simply living my life. Each day has not been any particular year but my own now certain form of timeless living. I still watch no modern media and only read vintage magazines, but most of the day is filled with gardening, planning out a new project for my barn/studio and biking and walking.

Where I live is certainly a Summer Season destination, so you can imagine this time of year it is lovely. The days are warmer but still with a hint of cool sea air. The wooded path where we walk and bike down to the sea is alive with blooming wild jasmine and roses right now. I feel rather transported back in time when wheeling down that lane, my skirts flying and the fragrance of the wild flowers begin to mingle with sharp notes of the sea.

Have I seen to the problem with the forum? No. Have I bothered to research a particular moment and compare and contrast with today? No. I have simply and happily swirled through these days with mornings punctuated by my old percolator popping as I stand on the terrace of the kitchen and dream up my next garden. Or laugh with friends on the rolling lawn of our local tea house, watching the birds play on the waters of the old Mill Pond downtown. An afternoon spent poking around the antique shop, trying on Victorian rings and helping friends try on 1800’s silk bonnets.

I seem to be coming to a point in which I have begun to see the world as it truly is. I can see the funny old professor behind the curtain pulling the strings that manipulate the great and powerful OZ that is our modern world and while it first scared me, it has now brought me to a place of complete neutrality. I feel I have no real power to change the vastness of our world. I, much like many of the masses during the hard times of the past, simply must wait to be swept up into whatever the puppet master chooses to be our next production. In the meantime I want to live.

And the things I am doing and have been learning since 1955 seem to be quite helpful in the changing times. Gardening, cooking, mending, de-cluttering. Even things as simple as selling and donating things once bought at big box stores for the look of it with China stamped on the bottom for one small item that is truly old and has true value. It needn’t be expensive, but whole shelves of cheap knock offs can be worth nothing and can quickly be yard-saled and one nice piece of sterling silver, a pair of sugar tongs say, can replace them. They take up less space. They hold a store of value (as they are sterling and mostly silver) and are also useful. And what fun to polish them and be proud when serving guests tea and asking “One lump or Two” to which the little clawed pincers goes into the sugar bowl and presents the cleverest little claw of sugar.

Yesterday, Hubby had the day off and we worked in the yard. We trimmed out some more trees, though it is rather late to do it, but we have fun. And I finally decided the old lilac, which has been rather sick and gets worse for the wear every year, should go. Its sacrifce gave me not only a flood of light in my little kitchen but literally another sunny area to expand my vegetable/fruit garden. I was excited at the prospect.

“Aren’t you moving?” you might ask, Well we do have our house on the market. But, I am also realizing that we are no where near the bottom of the housing market, despite what is said in the press. (again the professor happily presses the button and the Great Oz Speaks!) and see that what we would want for our home means it might sit here for some time. And that realization also makes me wonder if my future plans should not involve keeping our lovely old home after all. Again, acceptance, realization, prepare, then move on to living and enjoying each day.

I have decided this summer to do some fun art courses. I am going to learn some wheel throwing in ceramic/pottery. This week I will also be going to learn more about encaustic, a very ancient art form where one paints with layers of wax and colors. Again, living my life today as well as appreciating the past.

I am not sure how my posts will change. I do know that I shall be trying to ease back into more daily posting, but I need to emerge from this cocoon of strict past rules and spread my wings of joy and living.

I will close now with this link. I was unable to find a YouTube version but was able to find it on Hulu. It is free, but you will need to watch commercials. I luckily have these shows and many others on old dvds my hubby made for me back in 1955 to ‘watch tv’ as it were then without any modern things breaking in. This episode I found funny and topical as in the late 50’s the fashion of teen boys (not girls though) wearing their dungarees or (Levi’s as they say here, branding) was becoming popular. As was a more casual look for girls when not in school. This episode compares the parents 1920’s youth to the current 1957. It is a good episode and I hope you enjoy it. HERE is the link.

Have a lovely day all and Happy Homemaking.