
Sunday, September 13, 2015

Posting from Facebook? Is this the next move in blogging?

As stated earlier today, I tried returning to old time blogger blogging but it seems to have changed i some way. The internet climate seems drastically different to me now then it did even back in 2009 (1955). I am going to experiment with just cutting and pasting the small things I post on FB and see how that goes. IF anyone is still around and interested in my tiny little snippets here and there, there you go. 

Though of the modern world now I still mainly live with no modern tv watching with a very few exceptions (actually there are no modern tv shows I watch come to think of it) I garden and cook and still do my marketing with the eye to frugality, though prices are really going up on food, at least in my area of the U.S. I do miss posting but think a new way of shorter things seem to be today's norm.

That is all. FB LINK HERE or I'll just keep posting stuff here from it too now that I can just cut and paste.

Messing about in the greenhouse I just ate the best sweetest peach ever. The others are coming along. Now wishing I had got three of these trees. The chickens are happy. And I spotted a monarch caterpillar. Monarchs habitats are being destroyed and their main diet is the milkweed. I let quite a few grow in the garden this year and was so happy to see this little guy. Monty is pooped from the trip through the garden with me. Tough life, himwink emoticon
My life is much quieter and more introspective of late. I find I use Facebook (though I am not particularly fond of it) as my main daily post/thought/world share. I even tried using an ap for blogger so I could return to daily posts, but my "smart phone" which is the cheapest most 'frugal' type I could get, cannot handle it. Even a girl living in the modern world can't let go of her 50's thrift.

Thus, if any of you are out there I think I will just post my basic FB page and if you wish to follow me or see my daily quips then, that is where you will find me. Somehow that window of time that the internet and blogging existed for and of the people seems to have slipped away. It is sad really, but one must live in the world I suppose.

Maybe I shall see some of you there. Here is my FB link: