
Saturday, January 3, 2009

yesterday, 2 january 1955, a president died

So, yesterday the second on January 1955, The president of Panama was killed. He was shot down by machine gun fire at a panama city race track.

It is interesting, this death, as two years ago (1953) he negotiated the panama canal treaty with our president, Dwight D. Eisenhower. This raised the annuity to panama form the us from $430,000. to $1.9 million. So, we see a communication with our countries resulting in an increase for them. It is a wonder who should do such a thing, and I cannot, tho it is not very american of me, wonder if it was not one of us? It was probably those filthy reds.

Today the movie "Panther Girl of the Kongo" was released. Never heard of it, but might like to see it, as my husband does love scifi. Though, I wonder, would this have been an adult film, or that type of film that the kids would have gone to on a saturday afternoon?

Breakfast was old fashioned oatmeal and toast (made at the table of course, the toast NOT the oatmeal). I wanted to make my own bread, but I think in 1955 sliced bread would have been appropriate. I think I may need to switch to white bread as well.

I will blog again later today with more info, as I have to go out soon. I am sitting with curlers in my hair in my robe and my gal pals will be here in half an hour to go antiquing. I need to squeeze into my girdle, fasten my stockings, brush out and pin/spray my hair, get my 'face on' etc. A gal has to look put together to go out. I am wondering how my shoes will fare with the snowy ice. I am determined to find an old pair of golashes that fit over high heels with little fur caps, as I have seen in the magazines. Thank goodness those treacherous spike heels that we have now were not really around until late 50s early 60s. At least us gals, firmly placed smack dap in the middle of this decade, have the sense to wear a thicker heel and a rounder toe, quite comfortable. Yesterday I noticed myself having better posture. Funny what heels a dress and stockings and a girdle can do for a gal.

Later today pics, I promise.

Also, question to anyone who cares: I wonder if I should 'spruce up' this page with images. I had thought to do so, but then thought maybe more spartan is better and it does leave me off the computer more, as I really don't want to be on here all the time, it's not very period. Let me know if u can if I should add a nice header, colors etc.

Off to put on my many layers of undergarments!


  1. Funny you should mention "spartan" about your blog "decoaration." I've been trying to simplify our home and was thinking about how our houses are bigger than the average house was back in the 50s.

    The house my dad bought in 1961 (brand new) had two bedrooms and was less than 1000sf. FOUR of us lived there! I would think it would be a breeze to clean.

    How much "cleaning area" do you have?

    Do you have a cleaning schedule set up, yet?

    Are you using a homemaking guide from then?

    What cookbook are you/will you be using?

    You don't mention children, so I'm assuming there aren't any?

    Too many questions?


  2. I forgot to comment on something else.

    Perhaps the toaster on the table was for SECONDS so they'd be hot and the wife wouldn't have to go in the kitchen to make it?


  3. I am really enjoying your blog so far. I would really love to see pictures, as I am sure others would. Don't worry about it not being authentic, as long as you only use the computer for blogging, I don't see it as a problem.

    Maybe by designating certain times in the morning or evening -journal time- it will feel more like you are reflecting your thoughts into a book.

  4. Oh please put pics! They do make a blog more interesting :-D

  5. I am enjoying your blog, esp the "current events" commentary. I would love to see pictures. I always love to see how different people interpret the vintage aesthetic, as well as pictures from any vintage resources.

  6. Appropriate clothing certainly does 'correct' posture, it's almost like you have no say in the matter! Another thing I have noticed, if you paint your nails, you become very aware of your hands and without thinking, movements become more feminine and graceful x
