
Thursday, May 14, 2009

14 May 1955 “Cut my finger, I will be back tomorrow”

doctor-dan-and-mom I cut my finger this morning at while preparing hubby’s lunch for the day. It didn’t need stitches only butterfly bandage, but I have been chasing my tail all day. I WILL be back tomorrow with a nice long blog, I promise.

It was interesting to see the comments on the sometimes solitary life of a SAHW (I think that is the correct way to put it) and I have been thinking on this of late as well. We should discuss it tomorrow. Perhaps, if any of you feel like it, you could tell your solution for getting out of the blues over sometimes feeling alone and needing a ‘like-minded vintage gal’. This makes me determined, all the more, to some day make a way for we vintage gals to connect even more. Until tomorrow, then.


  1. The aloneness can sometimes overwhelm and there is only so much help that can come from our loving spouses. I hope that Gussie and all of us who read your blog make a difference.
    Apart from being just busy through the blueness, reviewing the images and books that initially inspired your choices can be very inspiring. The blog world has made a world of difference for me. With your readers scattered around the world, it would be difficult to actually physically meet.

  2. I hope your finger isn't causing you too much trouble and that it heals up nicely. Feel better soon!

  3. I hope your finger feels better soon. That reminds me of the time my friend cut her hand with a pair of scissors while at our house. The cut was just short of needing stitches, and it hurt her sooo bad, but she did everything in her power not to cuss, although the words were at the tip of her tongue, because my kids were right there.

    It would be nice to talk about ways to deal times when we feel alone and different from everybody around us. I hate feeling that way, but I won't compromise how I live my life in order to fit in to the "norm".

  4. i will look forward to the discussion. and i hope your finger heals quickly and scar-lessly. :).

  5. Hope your finger gets better soon!

  6. I hope your finger heals quickly; take your time getting back to typing. I'd rather miss a day's post (or two)than have you type in pain.


  7. Thank you all, I am healing nicely. It is that sort of moment when you look at yourself after you were cutting towards yourself and think, "Why on earth did I do that?" It is much better today and I can type, though slowly. I hope todays post is not too marred by 'the finger tragedy'. I agree, that better to sometimes be sad than to compromise ourselves to the masses. I know I could not be a part of 'it all' and be happy. Yet, maybe those who are a part of it aren't either and are just better at blending, who knows?

  8. We all know too well the chameleons in our lives and just how much we are glad to be strong enough to be our own true selves.
    A friend of mine was a regular in a chat room years ago. They actually planned a trip for everyone to meet in Las Vegas. Not exactly the right venue for a gaggle of Vintage ladies, but an idea to ponder nonetheless.

  9. Missed this somehow. Hope your finger feels better soon! It's amazing how much we really depend upon one digit. :)

    Not sure how to deal with the alone factor. Kind of funny to think about; back in the 40s and 50s, doubtless there were plenty of other women in the neighborhood to commiserate with, and they probably understood things too. These days, though, they're all at work, and even when the are home...Still, if we don't fit in with today's norm, as others have said, we don't necessarily have to shoehorn ourselves into it just to feel better, because we won't.
