
Thursday, June 11, 2009

11 June 1955 “Tidbit Thursdays: Jazz, Animation, Office Attire, Green Bean Bake, and the Future”

Today’s talking point, a question really, how would your day today be different, do you think, if you were living in 1955? Don’t worry if you are a working woman, there were many of those in the 1950s, but consider what things you do automatically and how it would change with the date.

I think Thursdays will also be a good day to post some various 1955 items:

Jazz is often associated with the 1920s, but it lived and lives on. Living this year in 1955 has opened my eyes to some music I had never before tried.

Herbie Nichols is a great jazz pianist, have a listen.

This animation is so wonderful. It is the sort of antithesis of what can be done quickly with computers, though I am sure were she alive today, Lotte Reigner would possibly be toying with that medium. Modern technology is good and I am not against it, only sometimes I feel it replaces content. IF something can be done quicker or more spectacular, why does the story have to suffer?

This is from 1955 and is Jack and the Beanstalk made by German silhouette animator Lotte Reiniger and film director. She later became a British subject.

How about some 1955 Office Fashions, gals. And Yes, the boss is also a woman!

I have had this dish, though never made it myself, but this year Campbell’s comes out with their green bean bake:


1 can (10-3/4 ounces) Campbell's Cream of Mushroom Soup
1/2 cup milk 1 teaspoon soy sauce
Dash pepper
4 cups cooked and drained green beans
1 can (2.8 ounces) French fried onions, divided
In a 10"x6" baking dish, combine soup, milk, soy sauce and pepper. Stir in green beans and 1/2 of the can of onions.
Bake, uncovered, at 350 degrees for 25 minutes. Top with remaining onions. Bake 5 minutes more.
Makes about 4-1/2 cups

Barbara Streisand in 1955, she is only 13 but here is a recording of her!

This little movie clip shows what the future might look like coming from this year. Here is the link. The video is right on, though much easier with less equipment, we have video phones if we choose to use the computer, but no one wants to see who they are talking to I think, and the electronic music is rather interesting.

Well, let me know how you feel your day would be different, 1955 style, if you like. Also, let me know what other items might be fun to list for ‘tidbit’ Thursdays. I was going to do some links to some vintage clothing etc, but I don’t want to seem an ad. I am already angry that my site has that stupid ad thing on it. I don’t know how I signed up for it and I don’t know how to take it off. I certainly never make any money from it, so if anyone knows how to delete it, let me know.

Have a great day and Happy Homemaking.


  1. I just had to have a search for when the T came out to my home stop, but it was December 15, 1917, so I'd still have the same commute, but my job would probably staff assistant rather than IT. Although given my more limited work options in 1955, I might have gone to library school, which would put me over in a different wing of the building. (or heck, maybe I'd still be in computers, having been a programmer during the war) The school where I work would begin admitting women as students this coming fall, which is kind of neat.

    Blinstrub's Village was a nightclub a block from where I live that got all the big names (it's a Shell station now). I bet I would be talking Spouse into getting spruced up and going there for dinner and dancing as often as we could. Although I would probably be something of a scandal having been a spinster for so long and then marrying someone 14 years my junior.

  2. Oh my! Well, as I am striving to go back in time (and *slowly* getting there!)I imagine my day in 1955 would be quite similar to my day now, with a few notable exceptions. One, I would likely rise earlier (though this is something I continue to work on!), my house would be continuously clean, and I would most certainly not be on my computer for much of my day (again, something I am working on!)

  3. I think I wouldn't be working two jobs, certainly not the way I am at the moment with a 10 hour day. But then again I did come home and make cheesecake for my boyfriend because he loves it (I on the other hand don't really like cheesecake) which is a little bit 1950's.

  4. Did you use my cheesecake recipe?
    Teru-it seems we have something else in common, my hubby, too, is younger than I, though not 14 years, what a scandal! And good show! How so like our times, an old nightclub for dancing now a filling station, what a surprise (that last bit was sarcasm)
    Oh,Jenn, in what way are you traveling back in time, as a time travellor myself, of course I am curious.

  5. I think I would be much more content in the home and with the duties therein. I'd love to make it first priority now. However, we must make money, so there ya go. I don't think we would expect so much "entertainment" out of our home and be happy with the comfort it provides. That would be a relief--instead of keeping up with technology. AS IF it is so important! Ugh.

    I would probably socialize informally with the women in my neighborhood. I really miss the thought of backyard chatter and just relating to other women like no big whoop,just everyday stuff.

    I love the smell of line-dried towels and blankets--clotheslines are prohibited in my current subdivision.

    Teru--Have you ever seen the movie Desk Set (from 1957) starring Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn? Verrrry ahead of its time for IT!!


  6. Awww, you can't have a clothesline?! I had clothes hanging out today...finally had a break in the rain.

    Wow, I'm not sure how I would be living differently. I can tell you how I would imagine I would like things to be different. Like Kris said, I would love to have neighborhood wives/moms to share my days with, as time and opportunity allows, that lived the same way as I do and share my view of living. I love the idea of technology not being the central part of everyone's life, including our own. We limit our use, but I would still imagine life would be just fine without it.

    I would imagine that I would go to the local businesses in town to pay the bills, do banking, shopping, and postal errands and know the people at those places. I really like the idea of having a milk man. Milk seems to be the one thing that we run low on on a frequent basis. It would be nice to have regular service for that.

    I would love to actually have regular opportunities to "entertain" with game night. I have a couple of books on entertaining, but have yet to put any of the ideas into practice. I think it would be fun to have game night include each person bringing a new, never tried before, dish. That way all the ladies can be guinea pigs for each other in order to help each other gather up new, yummy dishes that family and friends will love and that you know will be a hit when you serve it. I hate when I try a new recipe and nobody likes it, but with intentionally being guinea pigs for each other there is no prior anticipation about the dish; it's either liked by the majority, or it's not, and that's okay because that would be the whole point...testing.

    I could definitely see myself walking to places that are within walking distance from my house. I just do not feel safe at all doing that where I live, so I drive everywhere.

    Well, those are the things I thought of for now. If I think of anything else, I'll add them later.

  7. Kris7 - I love Hepburn but haven't seen Desk Set! Just put it on my Netflix queue but will see if the local brick-and-mortar place has it too.

    PL - Why can't you have games nights now? I have a friend who has had the occasional one. I'm also in a dinner group that meets weekly. We alternate weeks and host a dinner party (generally very informal) for whomever of the group can come. You just remind people it's your week, perhaps let them know what you're making, if you know, and they respond by a set time if they will attend. It's a great opportunity to try new things and catch up with people. And you're only obligated to host once or twice (one hosting per person in the group, so if two in a couple attend, they host twice) per round, so you only have to cook once in two months or so and the rest of the time you have a place to go to with someone else doing the cooking and you just chatting.

  8. Teru-that sounds like a good idea. I have seen deskset, though not this year it is two more years before it comes out, it is a great film and it has a computer in it and the costumes are great. It also has Dina Merrill in it, who is really pretty and still an actress today. Her mother was the Post heiress and she and her family had the most wonderful homes, a 'camp' in the aidorandacks, maralargo (I think Trump owns that now, ick) etc. Good film.
    PL I definitely would like to surround myself with more sympathetic women. I hope to one day. As I said, I somehow now feel as if I am preparing to be ready for that eventual time.

  9. Wow, this is deep thought as I know what my family was doing then. So if I am my current age, children grown, I would hope my home is paid for (something I do not have now). I would be a at home wife, cooking every meal but loving those convience foods comming to the market as I had lived through very hard times. My garden is full and I am still canning for winter. I belong to a home demonstration club where ladies get together to share sewing and cooking projects. I shop once a week and keep a ledger to budget carefully. After all old age is creeping up. There is no cell phone, my bulky black dial phone is on the desk by the stairs. My car is a 1954 plymouth savoy 4 door with no radio. ( I gave that car away in 1999) I have black and white tv but we do not watch it much. Never durring the day. Rug hooking and crochet is plenty. Sock monkeys are sewn for grand children, and life is quiet. Wringer washer and clothes line only. Tide is the soap of choice. I like the radio and play very few records. Sunday meal is always here at my home.
    Although I live in Pa. now My family was in New England then.
    You know , I am not far from bring this life back to reality....

  10. Rats! "How fun!" I thought. "What would I have been doing?" Well, actually, I'd be doing nothing. The reconstructive surgery that saved my life nine years ago hadn't yet been invented. So I'd have been in the graveyard.

    *raising a toast to the 21st century*

  11. Brava, Jeanne! It does sound rather good. I do shop once a week, keeping to my budget, no tv during the day and only sometimes old b/w programs with family, stay and home, veg in the garden ripening as we speak, canning coming in the fall. I do feel bad, though, that I use the dishwasher and the electric dryer, perhaps I should consider rethinking these. When you say you are not far from bringing it back, do you mean you are now conscioulsy trying to do so, or that you find you are already just naturally doing so?

  12. jitterbug-oh my goodness, thank goodness you are okay, Certainly we here love and enjoy the 21st for its medical advancements, but for the fun of the fantasy, barring your surgery, what do you think you would be doing. I mean you are already doing many 1940s things are you not?

  13. jitterbug oh I know was the surgery due to an accident and do you think the accident would have happened if it were the past? I don't mean to be pushy, just curious.

  14. 50sgal and jitterbug:

    You're blowing my mind!


  15. Nope, darn it. Still dead. Rats, I would've missed the entire '50s!


    I guess I could try and imagine that some dashing young surgeon experimented on me and saved my life. I'd probably still have to live much as an invalid afterwards. Living quietly with my parents on my father's dime.

  16. Hi,

    I think that my whole day would be different.

    I currently liove in a unit block that was built in the 60s (a high rise affair) so I guess that I owuld be living in a house.

    I am also completeing a post graduate degree, where as a women, in my position, about to get married, would probably employed with different things (setting us house etc), as I alreday live with my fiancee.

    I don't see my neighbours as my hours are quite long - actually I am not at home that much. I also work a Saturday.

    i would hope that my day would be filled with cooking, planning, cleanning and a baby. Friends over in the evenings or have girls over for a coffee in the morning.

  17. Jitterbug-well, I am glad it is not 1955 for your sake, then and glad to count you among the living. Though, the handsome surgeon scenario sounds rather nice.
    Kris that's what we do here, we blow your mind, make you think and question your place in life, then swap recipes and philosophies and look good doing it all, we are modern vintage gals!

  18. vintge bel-sounds nice, does it sound nice to you, or do you prefer the modern version of your life?

  19. I posted just once on your blog (June 5, I believe) and wasn’t going to post again until I got caught up (I just found you and on March 5). BUT, I have to say that I am ABSOLUTELY loving your project. As I read the post on your two cents “or buck fifty’s worth” (I believe March 4…?), all I could keep saying was “Amen, amen” and “Amen!”

    I have always loved vintage but now find myself shopping for more 1950s clothing and even…ahem…maybe wearing some out in public!

    You are an inspiration; keep goin’!

  20. I totally want to write Jitterbug's '50s life now! The reckless young surgeon who risks his career to try new surgery that saves her life... A romance blossoms, but is dashed when his work comes first... He wins the Nobel Prize in medicine because of the surgical techniques developed from Jitterbug's life-saving procedure and at the ceremony realises that he did it all for her!

  21. zebu-thank you so much, I will have to go back and read my old post, I do tend to go off on rants! I am gald you are enjoying it and you SHOULD wear your 1950s garb out. It seems completely normal to me now. In fact, it is so normal that the other day I was thinking how fun it would be to wear clothes from the 1920s. As I was thinking about it, of course, I realized I was wearing my usual dress, petticote etc. It becomes second nature and is such a savings to dress vintgae, if you can sew. It would be hard to dress 'modern' and make your clothes as it seems todays fashions are about the designer and often are items with labels that make it 'fashion'.
    Teru-I can see the 'bodice ripping' cover now, of this book. I would have to get it in the mail or behind the counter at the local drugists in brown paper. Or, you could take the high road, I suppose, and make it very literary.

  22. Oh Teru, I just typed up a nice long response for you and I lost it. :( I don't want to type it all over again, so I'll just tell you simply that I've tried but it hasn't worked. We recently moved to a big city area because of my husband's job, and everyone just simply seems too busy to take time to live. I've never lived in a big city area like this before and this is the first time I've had a problem meeting other people. It's really strange, and I don't like it. I can't wait to move. :)

    I recently joined a homemaker's group that I happened to discover, which meets once a month, and that has helped some but the group is half an hour from where I live and most of the ladies live over in that city. Also, 99.9% of the ladies are senior citizens, which I love because I tend to have a lot in common with them, but many of them limit how far they'll drive and how much they'll do outside of the schedule they already have for themselves. I do join them for game day once a month that they already have going, which I love. I was just hoping for something that I could do where I live with other moms/wives that are still in the thick of homemaking/baking. I am grateful for the group though because it has helped some with the loneliness factor. Actually, at our last game day, we began talking about living during the 50s and earlier vs. today and I asked them to share some of their memories and what they miss from their past, etc. They all unanimously said that they missed the lifestyle of the past but are so grateful for the medical care that we now have. That seems to be a common thought...if we could just combine the lifestyle of the past with the medical care that we have today…the best of both worlds.

  23. PL, I'm sorry to hear that! Well, I know it's not the same as being able to meet with people in person, but I hope places like this provide a little extra camaraderie that you, and we all need.

  24. SO true, and why can't we. It is not as if our current need for entertainment and consumption has in any way any connection with the advancement in medicine (except, I suppose, the drug companies perhaps, not sure about that) Why, indeed, can't we have a group of people who do want that sort of life. I was thinking how with religion, for example, there are a set of tenents that people adhere to and then no matter where they live they can go to that church and find it again, I wish we could do something along the lines with that and vintage living (without the religion, as it would be unfair to anyone if say this one was a Catholic, this a prespeterian, this an agnostic) but a meeting hall of women to support and advance the donctrine of homemakine/gardening/sewing and self-sufficiency. The more and more I dwell on this idea, the more I want to some how have a go at it someday. As I said, perhaps by the years end, I will feel as if I am in a place to try and organize, it might not work, but worth a try!

  25. Teru,
    Coming here does help. At the risk of putting a blush on 50sgal's face, I'm not too proud to admit that I feel like a novice compared to her. Really, in the realm of self-sufficiency, I feel like I just do the basics. Coming here though, and seeing all that 50sgal does, it inspires me to be even more self sufficient. She really makes "do it yourself" seem so doable on so many levels, and in many ways, that I hadn't even considered. I always leave here feeling like, "Yeah! Why not? I could do that!" I love that energy of encouragement that we can get here from each other. For me, it is my cyber homemaker's group that I would love to have in real, I keep coming back. :)

    50sgal, I hope that I didn't embarrass you by saying all of that, but it's all true. At the risk of sounding reeeaaalllly corny, you do inspire me to be my best self, and I really mean that.

  26. i've thought about this a while, and i think the missing computer would be my biggest change. we don't watch tv anyway, maybe one show and otherwise get old movies from the library..(watched "topper" last night.) i suppose, since our house was built in 1948, it would be quite new. and right now, some of the original houses owners/builders still live here, so i do have folks home during the day to "neighbor with". that is so nice. most of them garden, can, plant flowers, take walks, etc. so i am quite a blessed lady. i think a change that i would welcome, as some have mentioned, is a place to dance. i have always admired the clubs in the old movies, and wish that there was a supper club or something here. i think i would probably also be much more dedicated to home canning/preserving since the grocery would most likely not have been right around the corner. :)

  27. PL_ I am SO touched by what you have said and feel a little unworthy. I am so glad to help anyone to feel they can be their best. I am humbled and so thankful for all of your comments and appreciative of this project and blog and that it has brought me into contact with all of you. I, too, feel inspired and in fact often feel that I should push myself and try harder for the 'blog gals'. It is good and important to feel that we are responsible to one another, I think that mind set was what helped those in antiquity to bettering themselves and greatness. It is good to think of the "I" and the "ME" but it is also good to think of others and how we want to please and be good for others as well as ourselves in a way that is not looking for approval but to really better ourselves. Thank you again and I am very proud to have inspired anyone.

  28. I live in a house built in 1932 with my husband and three children . If this was 1955 then two of my children, aged 17 and 20 would have been born before the war and one ( aged 11) just after which is a common family pattern for the time. The only modernisation our home has had is to bring the toilet inside, although the one outside is still there , in the wood shed and we also have an electric stove rather than the original wood burning stove although we do have a wood stove in the kitchen for heat and to dry the clothes on a wet day.
    We don't have a dishwasher and we don't have a clothes dryer, by choice.We hang the washing on a line all year round.
    I do have a modern washing machine though rather than the old copper which we foudn pieces of when we moved in.
    Our two sons share a bedroom, our daughter has a small room of her own.
    Ofcourse we have a television which in Australia in 1955 we would not have because television didn't arrive here until 1956 in time for the Melbourne Olympic Games.
    I don't drive and we live in an old neighbourhood close enough to the shops for me to walk. The shops though, apart from the butcher and corner store, are large supermarkets and they didn't arrive in Australia until 1960 instead we had small grocery stores. When I was about 5 or 6 ( 1965) Mum took me to the opening of the first supermarket in town, tiny by todays standards.

    When my children were small there were more mothers at home during the day and we did visit on a casual basis as I remember my own mother doing in my 1960s childhood. But as the children grew most women went back to work and the younger mothers all seem to work part time and so miss out on the opportunity to meet one another.
    I don't go to regular games evening but my husband does. I tend to go to craft groups but these are not held in each others homes.
    Television and the computer would be the things that most differentiate our lives from the family of 1955. We only watch Tv in the evenings and are usually good about only watching what we want to watch rather than watching to fill the evening. The computer though does tend to be a big timewaster and I have to monitor my own use or I would become completely chairshaped and get nothing done.

    Someone else mentioned that she would have welcomed many of the new convenience foods after having such a hard slog for a long time and my mother would agree but really she only embraced things like frozen peas and occasionally bought biscuits ( cookies) and canned spaghetti and baked beans, also canned fruit.these were bought as back ups for when she was in a hurry. She never used packet mix cakes and she and her friends scorned anyone who did, and we never had any packaged meals or that type of thing.

    So apart from the dreaded IT things and free healthcare I don't think my life would be so different in 1955. I think though I may have been seen as a bit of a lazy housewife because I am not so good at always getting things done on time - I tend to rebel.

  29. Jenny-Wow! It sounds like you have a lot of the 'antique' things still in your life. You also use a wringer. Of course, I suppose you have warm weather year round? It is harder, here in New England. For example, this past two weeks it has rained every day and the winter is cold with snow, yet before there were dryers, people did wash and dry their clothes. I am considering in the future to try and slowly phase out the dryer.

  30. Well no it's not warm all year round because I actaully live in Tasmania so we have cold winters though we don't get snow in the town where I live. The mountains around have snow right now. We certainly don't get winters like yours. No we don't have a wringer, we have normal front load washing machine and then we line dry. It is actually very common here in Australia though most households do have a dryer as well.

  31. Good, thanks. I glad that you don't appear to be terribly embarrassed. :)

  32. Jitterbug- I'm glad you're alive and well. I enjoy your comments and your blog. The handsome surgeon sounds dreamy, just like I'd expect of a 50's romance!

    PL- How awful for you to have no one you're close with in your immediate area. The women's group sounds lovely, though. Kudos to you for seeking them out. I don't know if I'd be that brave.

    In some ways my days would be very different in 1955, but not in others. My house was built in 1931 (although some records indicate it was 1929, but perhaps this was when the builder submitted the plans and it was sold in '31. I'd love to know the story) and while there's been no big addition to ours as others in our neighborhood have done our house would have been smaller. Our basement was probably only partially finished with paneling and vinyl floor and was probably used as a "rec room" for the kids. We carpeted, painted, put in better lighting (had track when we bought the house- not sure what would have been put in originally.) and use it as a family room/tv/computer/playroom. We have an attic that has 2 rooms now, and a full bathroom, but I bet it wasn't finished and was used simply for storage. So the first difference would be that we'd have less stuff. And we'd have a porch. The porch was converted into a family room sometime in the '70's, unfortunately.

    So, in 1955 I'd probably have my coffee on the porch, with my hubby, read the paper, and have some quiet, as my children would be more independent (there's just something about all the safety info parents are warned about that makes kids so dependent- for example my kids prefer I put the toothpaste on their toothbrushes because when they were toddlers the doctor warned me that if they ingest too much it could be toxic. So being the nurturing mother I am, I did it, and now my kids are used to it and don't even consider it something they can do themselves. Crazy.) So I'd have my coffee, the kids would come downstairs dressed, hair brushed, and set the table for breakfast. I make and serve breakfast, eat with the kids, and send them on their way out the door to school or to play. (You can't do this now, unless you want to be a the bad lazy parent of a missing child or the juvenile delinquent. Although plenty of kids walk to school but plenty of parents go with them.) So then I'd get the kitchen cleaned up, start the laundry, make a grocery list, or whatever projects I had on my list. And I'd be dressed for the day. (In modern times this is quite a feat. I'm so busy getting the kids ready I don't get a shower until they're at school, and sometimes this requires me throwing my coat over my PJ's to drive them there. So the kitchen work doesn't get started until later.) Then perhaps I'd run into a friend while taking out the trash and chat for a while. (This happens these days, so not so different.) I'd sit and have a real lunch, in my clean kitchen. Or maybe back to the porch. In any case, I'd be eating real food, and I'd be sitting.

    To be continued...


  33. The second half...

    I suppose then I'd go outside and look thru the mail the mailman has just left, after we said hello, and wait for the angelic children to come skipping home from school. The other mothers would come out too and we'd congregate on my lawn or one of theirs, chat about this or that, collect our little ones and go in for the children's snack. Perhaps a children's program would be turned on the TV in the living room, but just as often not. (No blaring Disney shows and those stupid commercials!!) The kids would play or do their homework independently while I made a scrumptious dinner. (Independent play and homework do occur in 2009 but are fleeting and are broken up by fighting kids and cries of I'm bored!) The kids would play with the neighborhood kids who are around- no formal playdates. They had to try and get along with everyone.

    Dinner would be a delight, we'd all talk, no complaints about what I'd made, and all would help clean up. Then the kids would have a quick bath, story, and bedtime. Hubby and I would watch tv together or talk or perhaps I'd to to a woman's club meeting or he'd go play poker.

    But in many ways my life isn't so different. My kids play with hulahoops, sidewalk chalk, have lemonade stands, come running breathless into the kitchen asking if they can go to so and so's house. I'd have less to clean, as my living space would smaller, and as mentioned we'd have less items. I'd have less stored in the unfinished part of the basement so I'd most likely hang the laundry to dry, all year long. My kitchen would be big enough, and probably better laid out. I'd still go to the library regularly but it would be a treat, not an errand.

    I wouldn't have this wonderful blog and community to hang out with but perhaps the regular afternoons with the neighborhood moms would suffice. I'd probably have no need for intentional exercise like I do now. (So no treadmill in the basement.) I'd shop less for groceries and everything else. I'd just get what we needed, not go to different stores for some things. Also more stores, dry cleaners, pharmacies and other services would be delivered. So I'd spend much less time in the car. I think it's be the way you described, 50's gal. Less running around and more time living.

    Anyway, I've gone on and on and could go on more but I won't. I'm sure you get the idea. Very interesting to think about.


  34. Wow, Jenny, I’m impressed! Obviously you do this by choice, but is your husband a willing participant? I don’t think that mine would ever go without a TV and also loves all the modern conveniences that we have. My dad, on the other hand, is a kindred spirit and would love to go back in time and even live vintage now. My mom is much like my husband in that she likes what is available these days.

  35. I love reading the comments nearly as much as the posts! So many wonderful discussions, they are my morning mimosa.

    I think your idea for Tid-bit Thursday is great. I'm trying to think of some ideas. What about a movie title suggestion for the Friday/Saturday night (home) showing? You could also post 1950s diet, fitness, and beauty tips. I thought of that because I recently found a lovely book on a vintage-shopping excursion "Debbie Drake's Easy Way to a Perfect Figure and Glowing Health." The bummer is it was published 1967, post 1950s. But the book has some great ideas and stretches. I still use T-Tapp and walking for exercise, so I supplement with her exercises from time to time. I'll see if I can think of anything else to be used for tibdits.

    As always, I love your blog. My great-grandmother is 98. She is confined now because of a stroke. But prior to that, she wore her spike heels and dresses, even to mow the lawn (she had a rider, I can't imagine using a push mower with heels). For her 90th birthday, she greeted every single person of the 200 guests standing in her heels ALL DAY. She didn't sit down until after 4pm, when everyone had left and we were cleaning up. She lived her life much like you are living yours, simply and sensibily. I'm trying to live more like that, though I still like going barefoot in the summer.

    One last thing before I part. We know what you wear when you go out shopping, but what around the house? Do you have a couple of hosue dresses? Do you wear Sabrina-outfits of blouses, capris and ballet flats? What do you wear to garden in? I'm just curious to know as I make my own clothing and living vintage transitions.

    Thank you!
