
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

23 June 1955 "ill"

I am sorry everyone, I have been ill for the past few days and still getting over it. I don't want you all to think I have abandoned you. I do hope you will come back and continue to be a part of our community here, but I need to get my strength up before I can even manage to post.
Keep up the discussions and I will be able to hop in when I am better. Thank you all for your patience. Perhaps, it has been all the rain we have had here in New England, but here I lie, exhausted and one of my concerns, besides getting so behind in my chores, is all my gals on Blogger, so do know I am thinking of all of you.
Until later, then, happy homemaking.
Any good home remedies for a Spring Cold?


  1. I would use eucalytus oil in your hot steam vaporizer. Also, as unpleasant as it sounds, I would still use the "Vicks on the chest" and if you are very congested, melt some in a spoon and inhale the vapors. That's what my grandparents did for me when I was little and all these years later I have yet to find anything that works as well or better.

    I do so hope you feel better soon! You're missed!

  2. There is always the wiskey, lemon and water trick that was an old stand by. I fully agree with the vicks treatment from my childhood also.
    Chicken soup has healthful properties and sooths the soul.
    Rest up and take the vitamin c. We will be here for you...get well soon.

  3. Get better soon! Once you catch up with your chores then get back to posting.

    In the meantime just relax and read and do anything you haven't had time to do.

  4. This spring has been the worst ever for viruses! My family is always down with something. Hope you're better soon.

    We say to each other, "I'm going to go boil my head." That means fill a broad pan with salt water and crumbled sage. Bring it to a boil and breathe the steam with a towel around your head and shoulders forming a little tent.


  5. the best remedy is to just stay home and rest.

    hope you are better soon.

  6. Do rest. Take care of yourself.

    We hope you recover quickly.

  7. Oh no! I hope you're feeling better soon!

  8. I am with cathriene... vicks and steam. If you get any Sunshine and fresh air it is the best germ killer . ( only if it is warm and you fill up to it.) We hope you get better soon I do think you over do it sometimes. But I also know that those things are the joys in life.

  9. an epsom salts bath (w/baking soda if you want) is an excellent detox for the skin. it really helps you feel better+it has more steam! ;) i agree w/vicks and chicken soup too. you can also try the old home remedy of apple cider vinegar/lemon juice/cayenne pepper (and if you can stomach it-fresh crushed garlic). nasty, but helpful. good luck and i hope you are already feeling better. on your suggestion, btw, i bought some off brand pine-sol and am set to try it tomw. i usually use vinegar, so we will see. take care and be well. xo

  10. I’m sorry that you’re feeling poorly. :( I hope that you recoup quickly.

    On another note, I had mentioned in a previous post that ffI have allowed myself to become way too casual in my dress over the last few years. I still dress for work generally speaking, but other than that, it’s pretty untailored. Well, you have given me the inspiration to do better, and I have felt different (better) when I make sure and put my lipstick on, make sure my hair is nice, and dress up nicely. Today—totally randomly—a lady spoke to me about it, as I was in Wendy’s getting lunch. I was dressed in a nice black top and skirt, a white jacket, black hose, and black heels. I had matching earrings and a nice colored lipstick on. This older lady said to me, “Excuse me ma’am…” and proceeded to tell me how nice she thought I looked and that “We don’t see that any more.” It made me feel so good that she went out of her way to say that and that a stranger would say something at all. I notice too, as I did in the past when I always dressed, that people look at me different and treat me with more respect.

    Thank you for starting this and for being an inspiration for me to return to decadence!

  11. Zebu and others- I'm just curious because this happens to me all the time---when you make that effort to look nice on a daily basis, do you ever get told "You look nice! What's the ocassion?" Or, "Why are all dressed up?" Or any variations on those themes?

  12. Jenn, I have to comment on your comment! I too like Zebu have gotten way too casual, especially since I stopped working outside the home. People DO treat you with more respect when you bother with how you look!

    The one place I didn't get too casual though was for Church. (Even if I did grow up in the 60's I still can't go Mass super casual!) My dear neighbor who is a member of our Parish, who is older than I am too, always teases me that "You are always dressed up for Church just like the Mormons do to go to theirs! (We live in Utah...) And you seem comfortable too! I can't do it but I wish I could!"

    When we were little did anyone ever think we would stand out and be told we "dressed up" when we just bothered to attire ourselves the way we did as a rule when we were very little? We wouldn't have even dreamed of going to the store, much less any where else, without paying some attention to our appearance?

  13. Just checking in to see how all of you are doing. I am on the mend and thank you for your good wishes and advice. I say, what good conversations. I am itching for a 'day out' soon. My petticoat is giving me 'the eye' for having left her so long in my closet and my lipstick sits idle on my little dressing table. I hope to be well enough friday for a day out at the tea shop we sometimes frequent. White gloves, hose, hat, the usual. Good show keeping up the conversations and I shall be back soon enough to join in.

  14. Hope you are feeling better soon. Some homemade chicken noodle soup is a great remedy. If I lived close I would bring you some.

    On another note I tried pincurls for the second time this week. The first time I tried them they were a disaster as my hair was longer and drier. This time it worked beautifully and looked very vintage - almost too vintage for my taste. Last night I just recurled my dry hair but left the top out of the pincurls and it suited my tastes much better. I was amazed at how little time it took to do my hair this morning as it is usually a dismal mess in the morning. I found a good tutorial on youtube with someone with similar length hair to mine. Anyway I thought you might be interested in my experiment.

    Take care of yourself and hope you feel well soon.

    Michelle in Canada

  15. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

    This is off topic, but I was just wondering if you ever got your oilcloth? You can make your own out of a cotton fabric (a cute 50's fabric would be lovely), and then you brush linseed oil on it, about 5-6 coats. I found the directions in Mary Jane's Farm magazine, but I'm sure you could find an authentic 40's or 50's set of instructions too.

    Be sure to take good care of yourself!

  16. Hi Jenn,

    I do get asked sometimes why I’m “all dressed up”. My daughter’s boyfriend will say, “You’re all dolled up!”


    I also always dress for church—I’m one of those Mormons. ;)

    I like your thoughts on being little and not ever thinking that someday it would be odd to do what we were doing. I was at a vintage clothing store yesterday and noticed beautiful little girls’ dresses and white flowered hats in the window. They were so lovely! “It’s sad, I thought, that no little girl will probably ever really wear those.”

    Fifty’s gal,

    I’m glad that you’re on the mend. :) And, guess what?! I advertised on Craig’s list for anyone that is interested in starting a vintage group. I finally got a response yesterday, so I’m really excited to meat the gal and hopefully have weekly teas or some such thing. Also, I bought a black patten purse yesterday from another vintage store. I was going for a 50’s look, and the lady thought that it was late 50’s to early 60’s.

  17. I thought I would share my thought for the day. I was watching a 1951 Liz Taylor movie and I thought how the room reminds me of Bewithed set. I look at the sets of old movies. (decor and details)Then that lead me to think of Samatha even though she had magic powers she wanted to cook and clean and be a housewife with out her powers. I think our magic powers are in baking that cake and arranging flowers and polishing that table. It is our magic touch...

  18. Did we discuss this before ? I woke up this morning feeling dejavu.(?) sorry for butting in again The first remark one was my husband testing the post.

  19. 50s gal: I'm sorry you're under the weather. I know just the smallest effort can seem epic. Or when your mind gets ahead of your body, like thinking "oh, I feel good enough to tackle the dishes and then I think I'll get the mail, etc." When you actually do get up to do anything, you get exhausted and dizzy and have to tell your mind to back off for a while.

    My remedy would be whiskey (just sips) to clear the throat and feel relaxed.

    Mrs. Taileur: I also love the sets and clothes in movies. Sometimes that's the best part.

    Sorry I haven't posted my get well wishes before now, but we've been having water issues. It started as a drippy faucet and now the water company is in my front yard digging a huge hole. How do these things happen?

    BTW, I would think a career in plumbing would be every bit as lucrative as any of the professions. I can't believe our estimated bill--and we still don't know the final total yet.

    Working hard at no water

  20. Be Better! :)
    No, no magic cures, except for watching vintage movies and drinking rum toddies! Perhaps it doesn't help but it is much more fun.

    I'm way behind reading your blog, talking about being exhausted, so I hope you get my comments on older blogposts!?

    e-hugs from Denmark

  21. Hey, and you have just reached 200 readers!!!

  22. mrs tailler-funny thing about Bewitched, I think now that show was more about the upper classes and the middles classes. The power of the 'witches' was mostly the freedom to travel and do what you want and sort of live above the norm of what is expected, much like the very wealthy upper classes can do (minus turning people into dogs though they probably could make a mean threat!) and yet the emptiness the Sam character felt in the world of everything handed to you on a plate. Her need and desire to want to feel she had a purpose and a goal found in the simple act of homemaking, sort of fits with things I am discovering for myself, not that I am wealthy upperclass, but I do wonder how much you would want to take on for yourself to kill the boredom of such a life.
