
Sunday, August 16, 2009

16 August 1955 “Some Videos for a Sunday”

This is a great movie about the importance of hair and safety for the WWII woman. Here you can definitely see that the 1940’s ‘roll’ was dictated by safety.



I don’t recall if I posted this one before, but it is rather good. The acting is a little wooden, but then again, people were more forgiving of such things as they were not surrounded by constant visual entertainment as we are today.



Sure, this is 1952, but I am sure the styles would not be too varied for this year. They are adorable and I love the ‘convertible’ bathing costumes.

I am not sure if I have posted this video before, but it is cute AND it does help with ‘cooking terms’.

Enjoy and have a fun summer Sunday!


  1. Oh my goodness, 50s gal, where have you been all my bloggy life? I just found you and love love love what you're doing here. Consider me your newest follower. If you head over to my blog you'll see Im a lover of all things retro, and this is super cool. :)


  2. Once again you have hit it with the information! Oh how I remember stumbling in the kitchen even though I was brought up with home cooking and home economic classes.
    I wish girls could take such skills to heart today.
    I went to a used book fair that is held every year here, and found some great 1950's vintage cook books and a 1943 sewing book. i can not wait to dive into them!

  3. You havea magnificent blog! Oh to have the resources and/or patients to do your hair like that!

  4. welcome armchair housewife. I am glad you have found us. We are a quietly growing little revolution. We revolutionaries, however, make sure our seams are stright and our hair is just so before we stand on our soapbox.
    Thank you charlotte for the compliment. I have been rather apologetic this month, though, with moving an such my posts have had to suffer. What can one do when you have to still run a house AND move it from one location to another?! But, that is what the homemaker training is all about, I suppose.

  5. great videos! i really would love to have a couple of those swimsuits!! i bought a skirted one from L.L.Bean and it is the closest i have come so far. i love that it makes me feel covered, but not dowdy.

  6. As always very interesting videos, I now nowdays we may thing to study that kind of economic is not necessary, but it can be usefull!
    The swimm suits I love them! I really would like to find one.
    The cooking terms, this video is excellent! I mean, perhaps we learn some cooking from our mothers but if we want to cook following a recepy sometimes it can be difficult to understand.
    Once again, cool video!

  7. One of the bathing suits is just like Barbie's .
    Love the video about Home ec. and How to read a cook book. ( she had just enough time to make another cake before lunch.)Thanks for sharing.

  8. What wonderful old films! The two Home Ec. films are exactly what you would have seen in a 1950's Home Ec. class. Best Wishes that all goes smoothly with your move. Dianne

  9. Sorry so lax in responses, gals, but I have been busy with the move, a new haircut and also becoming more imbittered with the modern world. Alas, I have taken my 'modern blinders' off and there is no turning back. What can one do, but move forward in a new and more knowledgable way.
