
Saturday, November 28, 2009

28 November 1955 “Touching Base”

Busy time, this holiday weekend. I didn’t want any of you to think I had forgot about you, so here I am. I hope all had a great holiday and maybe we could share some stories an such.

So, for today, here is a full episode of Jack Benny show from this year (1955), enjoy! It’s sponsor is Lucky Strike Cigarettes. It is too bad smoking is bad for you, because I have to say, it does look lovely to watch! I know, that’s bad, but believe me I considered it for this year, as I am almost certain my 1955 counterpart would have done so. I probably would have started during the War years and then everyone was doing it, so would have stuck with it, what do you think?

I will post some recipes for those leftovers and some ideas for a ‘tree-trimming party’ as I am throwing one this coming week!

Happy Homemaking!


  1. If you're interested, I have two delicious looking chestnut recipes from a 1955 "Gifts from the Kitchen" type book. Let me know and I'll post them for you :D

  2. I considered getting a vintage cigarette holder and just "pretending". My grandmother had some beautiful ones that I remember when I was little. There is just something about it...


  3. Too bad commercials are not like that anymore. So fancy and full of obscene things just to sell a product.
    Cant wait to hear about the tree trimming party. I might consider doing one :)

  4. Well....not sure historical accuracy is worth the increased lung cancer risk! :)

    Besides, no one in either my mother's or father's families (or extended communities) would have smoked. They were religious people but I'm sure they had plenty of company in the 50's.


  5. Jenn-post away, I love chestnuts. I might roast some as part of the 'tree-trimming' party.
    LPM-I adore cigarette holders and while at univeristy I had a few. I smoked then, but not really. I would go to the cafe, (you could smoke in places back then!) and put in my non filter camel into my ivoryesque cigarette holder that was made to look chiseld and 'smoke' away. I never really inhaled it and only ever in public or with a friend after a cup of coffee. I sort of miss it, but I know it is bad. I think a pack lasted me two months. So innocent!
    Happy Housewife-ooh, you should host one. Mine will be just a small gathering but fun, none the less. As much as I can celebrate this season and to get the most out of this last month of 1955 as well!
    Anon-don't worry, I won't take it that far. I know my mother and father both smoked as did all their friends until the mid 60's when it was known to be bad then they just stopped cold turkey. They probably smoked like me, for show and no inhale! My husband does smoke a pipe but that smells so wonderful! There is actually a study that shows pipe smokers on the average actually live longer and without any lung cancer risks, as those who do tend to be more slower paced and contemplative, less stressed, as the whole process of packing and tamping, lighting and relighting and it lasts quite a while. I adore the smell, as sometimes I will open a closet or walk into the room after my hubby has been smoking his pipe and I instantly recall my grandfather, happy memories!
    I was also taken by how innocent the comedy was in this tv show, weren't you?

  6. Dear 50s Gal,
    We had a lovely Thanksgiving thank you! We even had time to host a wonderful "Apres Thanksgiving" get together last night for football watching and homemade chili :-)!

    Now today is a day for trimming the tree, and decorating the house for Christmas. I will also plan out which recipes I will be making for Christmas cookies, and gifts for family and friends. I might even plan out my Christmas supper!!

  7. Oh I love old commercials, too bad all the new ones are absolutely rubbish;(
