
Thursday, December 31, 2009

30 1/2 January 1955 “Just a Check In”

I am having connection problems today and I want to let you all know. I am planning on having a post up this evening and then hopefully to ‘unveil’ the skeletal beginnings of my new website. If you see nothing tonight, do not worry, it means my connection is gone. I wanted to let you know in case anything does happen. Not a great way to start the new year.

typewriter2 Perhaps my computer is fighting the new technology and is happy serving as a glorified typewriter/thesaurus as it has done up until now. But, I shall not let it get the best of me. Happy day so far to all of you.


  1. I am so sorry to hear about your internet problems! I hope they get resolved soon!

    I can not wait to see your new project! I just know it will be fabulous!

  2. Just on the off chance you do get back online later, I'd like to wish you and yours, and all your commenters, a very Happy New Year.

    Here's to a happy 2010, and to a continuation of the Apron Revolution!

    Helen, UK.

  3. You can do it! :) I commented in your previous post, in case you missed it, so I'll just say that I'm glad to be back.

  4. Just another quick check in, my connectioin is still spotty, but am excited you are all 'dropping by' to wish happy times. I hope you will continue to come along with my on my next voyage, for sure it shall be all our voyage if you like.
    I also love Doris Day (and have often listened to her music this year, she has become an old friend crooning in the background as I go about my day and as I have grown in my skills.)
    I hope we can help to change that 'image' of modern woman. We certainly can be a pretty face, but so much more. And there is plenty of beauty to be had in our appearence in how we dress and carry ourselves, we don't need bikinis and liposuction. Viva la Revolution!
    Oh and welcome back PL I hope you are back for good!

  5. Ooooooooooo, hopefully your net straightens up soon...waiting with bated breath...

  6. Metherer,

    Thank you for the well-wishes, and a very Happy New Year to you, 50s gal, and all!

  7. I'm stuck at home with the end of a cold, but this is just as exciting as waiting for the ball to drop! Happy New Year, all!!!

  8. Thank you Sarah and 50sgal for the welcome back. I have truly missed being a part of the conversations, but continued to nod in agreement with much of what was being said. I continued to grow and learn from the wisdom of all of you. As I mentioned in the previous post, I just had so much going on with the move (we moved ourselves as well) and all that goes along with moving to a completely different place, including a bumpy go of getting our son settled into his new school. We also had several medical issues come up in our family, one that was quite scary, but has turned out well. I had to keep myself focused on what needed to be taken care of and not spend a lot of time on the computer. Anyhow, with all of that and the holidays behind me, I'm at a place were I can participate instead of just read.

    So, 50sgal, in answer to your comment, I plan on being here for good now. My new year's resolution, if you will, is to get my new schedule ironed out and get it working better for me. My husband bought me a GPS for Christmas so that I can intentionally get "lost" in order to discover what our new town has to offer while always being able to find my way back home. It's like a treasure hunt! I love it!

    See you around.

  9. Can't wait to see the new ideas you have.
    Happy New Year!
