
Thursday, May 14, 2009

14 May 1955 “Cut my finger, I will be back tomorrow”

doctor-dan-and-mom I cut my finger this morning at while preparing hubby’s lunch for the day. It didn’t need stitches only butterfly bandage, but I have been chasing my tail all day. I WILL be back tomorrow with a nice long blog, I promise.

It was interesting to see the comments on the sometimes solitary life of a SAHW (I think that is the correct way to put it) and I have been thinking on this of late as well. We should discuss it tomorrow. Perhaps, if any of you feel like it, you could tell your solution for getting out of the blues over sometimes feeling alone and needing a ‘like-minded vintage gal’. This makes me determined, all the more, to some day make a way for we vintage gals to connect even more. Until tomorrow, then.