
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

17 November 1956 “Thanksgiving Dinner Preparations”

newyorker49 It seems the tradition of football and Thanksgiving has been around a bit, as this 1949 New Yorker attests. We don’t, in my family at least, partake in this tradition. Which, honestly is fine with me. My hubby knows football likes he knows how to cook a turkey…nil. But, for many American families the sound of the game is a part of the day. When I was younger and had to be at various family members, sometimes this was a part of the day.
Now what Thanksgiving prep would be complete without Butter? it really is a great way to roast a turkey, as is shown in this little video. One can also lift the skin a bit at the back and neck and put butter under, careful to lay it back down again. Olive oil also works nice for this and adds a different flavor.
Let us hope no one in the 1950’s or even today for that matter, found this sad little meal on their table.
Last year I roasted my Turkey for the first hour with only butter on, to seal in the juices, then the rest of the time with the lid on. I only took the lid off for the last 30 minutes or so, to nicely brown the skin. This seemed to really make it juicy.
Here are roasting instructions from one of my vintage magazines. I shall share more of it with you this week. This is the roasting. There is carving as well.
roastingaturkey1 roastingaturkey2
Here are some stuffing recipes. The first is for a roast duck, an alternative offered in this issue for Thanksgiving. But, I think it would be lovely in a turkey as well.appleraisinstuffing 
I am making oyster stuffing this year and might try this recipe:oysterstuffing Oyster stuffing is often a tradition here in New England. Last year I made a cornbread maple syrup stuffing, that was so lovely. Though, I don’t necessarily follow recipes to a tee, any longer. I know the gist of stuffing, as I make it more often than just at Thanksgiving, so it will most likely be a pinch of this a dash of that. Sometimes make your bread into an almost crouton is a good way to do it as well. The day before or even two days before, cut up your bread into cubes and season as you like then lightly bake to harden. Then you can taste the seasoning before you make it into a stuffing. It is rather like a homemade version of ‘box stuffing’.
For my American readers, are you doing anything special this year for Thanksgiving? Or any good recipes to share?


  1. Great post honey! I can't wait for Thanksgiving! Make sure to check out my Christmas giveaway if you haven't already!

    Kori xoxo

  2. I love this post! It's my first year cooking Thanksgiving and am very nervous. All the side dishes will be fine but it is the turkey that is intimidating. Butter sounds like the way to go! I will be attending Turkey 101 at my mother's on Friday since she will not be there for the occasion (my husband's family is coming).

  3. Just hoping for a peaceful, relaxing day at home with lots of yummy food - and football :) I'm trying to make our Thanksgiving meal using as many local ingredients as possible. Easy to do with the sides, more difficult to find a local turkey. Especially so close to Thanksgiving.

    Mary Ellen
    The Working Home Keeper

  4. My dad is the turkey-cooker at our house. We women handle desserts and side dishes. The reason for this is that we deep-fry our turkey. SO good!!! It's the Cajun way of doing turkey for Thanksgiving.

    We also do dressing down here instead of stuffing. Sage cornbread dressing. This year it'll be made with the pineapple sage my sister grew. When it was time to harvest the weather actually cooperated for proper drying!

  5. I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.....Americans do it up right in my opinion, as I find Thanksgiving not to be such a big deal here.....

    Mom in Canada

  6. Blondie-thank you. I shall check out your give away, though I most likely won't participate. I usually don't. I am sure there are far more deserving people than myself out there that would like some 'giveaway' this Holiday season. We have reduced our budget again this year and are happy with less, odd but it seems to get contagious, this wanting less yet being happy with it.
    Minni-Good luck at 'turkey school' and you will do fine. It is a great pride in preparing a meal for others.
    Working Home keeper-that is wonderful. It can be hard to find local turkey. You should try local butcher shops to at least see if you can get fresh not frozen from a farm even out of your state that is not a big 'factory farm'. Our local farm has turkeys they are killing this year, but their price of 4 dollars a pound and their smallest weight at 30 lbs makes it not practical for me to get it. I always say support local, but I think next year they may have to feed them less, 30 lbs is a BIG turkey!
    Rachel-I always thought dressing and stuffing the same thing, what is the difference? Fried turkey, my word, that must be one large pan! What type of oil do you use? I can imagine it is so wonderful tasting.
    Mom in Canada-I forgot you have Thanksgiving as well. Isn't yours in October? Yes, we Americans always do it BIG, it seems, in more ways than one sometimes.

  7. Our Thanksgiving is usually the second weekend of October, traditionally the Monday, but most celebrate it on Sunday.......we do celebrate it here but I view it more as time spent with family :)

    Mom in Canada

  8. I will be hosting thanksgiving as always so I have my menu all planned complete with shopping list and schedule. I've typed it up this year so I can easily add things and slip extra events in to my schedule without scribbling all over my notes. As I do every year i've gone crazy and will be making 9 different items plus appetizers, desserts, and biscotti to go with coffee after dinner. It's just once a year so I don't mind going all out.

  9. Happy Thanksgiving
    I always made a traditional sage stuffing but with rasins. My New England family was English influenced and that is how I grew up with stuffing. The other tradition was brown bread from the can steamed, and mashed carrot and turnip together with butter salt and pepper. Yum. I still make these today even if I am the only one who chooses to eat it that year. A little memory warms my heart. We are a large group this year of 12 adults and several children. Glad I will have help and everyone is pitching in with bringing things. Another tradition is the Thanksgiving Day parade. No football here, and I am glad.
    I saw the loveliest hostess apron, I will have to make or find one as that would be a nice treat to myself. I alwasys dress the part.
    love to your family on this special day, will be thinking of you and happy belated birth day.
