
Monday, November 29, 2010

29 November 1956 “Sorry to be AWOL”

worriedwoman3 I am sorry to be ‘offline’ for the past two days. Our internet has been completely out and after hours on hold, found out much of New England was having trouble.

Nothing rockets me back to the frustration of modern life more than dealing with automated phone menus, pressing random buttons, being hung up on by a computerized voice, and hours of ‘Musack’. I am happy for many things in our modern world, our computer is a wonderful tool to know all of you and to allow me to express myself, but when things go wrong, boy do they eat up your day! I know I should be thankful for all we have in the modern world but sometimes I wonder if the time it took to do things the old way was not better spent than the rush rush of modern life and the sudden screaming stand-still stop that arrives when ‘things’ go wrong. And ‘things’ are always the computer. In a store, the registers are down, its the computer. Heaven forbid we just press in buttons and hand back cash, but no everything is SO complicated and mixed up with computers that if we ever DO have a nation wide brown out, what a horror that would be! Let us hope that does not happen.

Well, I shall return later this evening with a proper post. I have a bit of Christmas shopping to do with a friend. I need to fill some Brittle orders today (my pin money maker is doing rather well for the Holidays) and we are getting our Christmas tree today.

I hope all have a lovely day and I shall see you later today.

Happy Homemaking.


  1. So true. You know just a few weeks ago, I was in a store and the registers were down. I think I was the only one in line who was presently surprised that they pulled out calculators and paper and pen to get things done. And if using a credit card, they pulled out the old fashioned receipts and called on the phone to o.k. it! ~gasp~ I was actually surprised that people still knew how to do that, haha!


  2. I worked at a restaurant all the time I was in high school. We didn't have a cash register. We had our BRAINS and a cash box. I had to take the orders, write out the prices, figure them up, and then figure the tax. After that I would count back the change for the customers. I worked there for nearly five years (some during college) and I always had a balanced drawer. And that experience served me very well for my many years as a bank teller. Where we didn't have computers there, either. We ran a tape on a regular adding machine. Worked VERY well. I had less hassle with my bank needs then combined than I do now in a month with all the computers.

    Best of luck with the pin money project.

  3. How wonderful that you are earning pin-money and are getting you tree today. In our home we are rather old-fashioned and wait until Christmas Eve to put up our tree, and keep it up until the Epiphany. I am still getting used to this modern world where trees are put up in November, and many people have decorated the exterior of their homes. We put our orange-bulbed candles in our windows the Sunday before Christmas. Youe peanut brittle sounds delicious... enjoy yout day.

    Mrs. Prescott Ames

  4. I always get our tree the weekend or around 'Stir up Sunday'. That is last sunday before Advent. This year it was yesterday, the 28th. That is when I make or (stir up) the Christmas pudding. Then it sets until Christmas day. So, I usually get the tree that weekend/week and put the lights on. Then in December I have a 'tree trimming party' and friends and family over and we decorate the tree together. I just like having it in the house and the smell for that fun "Christmas Pudding" week, as I sometimes call it.

  5. Yesterday was the first day of Advent. Christmas is on a Saturday this year. My family lit the first Advent candle at church.

    We're getting our tree Saturday before Papa goes back to work. My birthday is on the 10th and when I was little Mama liked to wait till after my birthday to get the tree, so I wouldn't feel overshadowed by Christmas. But as soon as I was old enough to realize what she was doing, I'd start bugging her the day after Thanksgiving about when are we going to get the tree. Christmas is my favorite time of year!

    We're probably getting TWO trees this year! One for the living room and one for the new dining room.

  6. We too lit our first Advent candle yesterday. My daughter's birthday is Dec. 4th, and we leave up our fall decorations until then; the weekend after, we commence decorating for Christmas. However, no tree or window candles until Christmas week ... I too and an old fashioned gal.

  7. Drat! I am a week behind! That is what I get for being a 'Holiday Episcopalian'. Well, perhaps it is better that I waited a week, only now the pudding wont have as much time to 'age'. As this year begins to end I almost feel a scramble to the next, wondering what it shall hold. I have not made a definite plan (unusual for me) for 1st of January. What year shall it be?
