
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

1 March 1957 “Cleaning the Bathroom and Tomato Seedlings”

With a continuation of the Daily Lists, I have included today the Bathroom as well as the bit on Halls and Stairs. I hope these help. And, as with any list, they are merely suggestions. One may not need to do all listed or possibly some may even do more. Whatever works for your schedule and time is the ‘perfect list’. I have found, though, that a list of any sort and a routine far outweighs not having one. You will find more time in your day by making a list and getting through it. It will also make the rest of your day almost feel more special somehow. An elation, of sorts, of your ‘free time’.

bathroomcleanlist1 bathroomcleanlist2

blackkrim I have started some tomato seeds early this year. Two weeks ago I started these tomatoes. It is a bit early for some things, but tomatoes can take a good 8 weeks before they are transplanted.

I always like to try some new “old” varieties. This year Black Krim is what I have started. I am excited to try this variety as it says it has a “hint of smokiness”. I also like that it is said to be “Reliable and very productive” which is always a good trait in any plant.

tomatoseedlings1 Here are the little darlings as of today. I loved that these two were “holding hands”, as it were. There is something wonderful about those first few sprouts as they peak their little verdant leaves forth. Spring can be dreamed of, despite cold weather. Though, today, we have mid 40’s and sun. I shall be out this afternoon working on the yard a bit.

The chicks are now a month old and doing well with mother. I cannot believe I forgot to get a picture of their little downy heads peeking out from mum’s wings. But, I shall get some shots of them now with her. She is still happily caring for them, and if I make a loud unexpected noise, she clucks frantically and they race to her hiding under her.

I have never had a hen raise chicks yet, so this is all new to me. I haven’t any idea how long she will care for them before she merely sees them as her flock mates, at which point she will peck her way through them, so they know their place. I am hoping the rest of the flock will be more accepting of them, as they see them all the time, though protected by chicken wire from their inquisitive beaks.

It has been so lovely out today that I let the chickens out and they were so happy to be raking through the leaves and following me about. They are such a  joy to have around. I am lucky in their friendliness and my rooster is the friendliest I have ever had, such a darling and so proud of his ‘ladies’.

Well, I had hoped to reveal my finished kids book today, but I don’t want to share it until it is done exactly as I like it to be. So I am giving myself the rest of this week to really work on it. I shall, though, of course share it all with you.

catinthehat Speaking of children’s books, this month (on the 12th) in 1957, Dr. Suess first book, “The Cat in the Hat” is published.

Theodor Geisel, writing as Dr. Seuss, created The Cat in the Hat in response to the May 25, 1954 Life magazine article by John Hersey, titled "Why Do Students Bog Down on First R? A Local Committee Sheds Light on a National Problem: Reading."

The first “R” is of course, Reading in the big Three “R’s” (Reading, Righting, and ‘Rithmatic) obviously with that old saying, spelling was a consideration.

Since then, more than 11 million copies of The Cat in the Hat have been printed. It has been translated into more than 12 different languages.

I hope all have a lovely day and that you are getting excited about Spring (unless you are my Southern Hemisphere readers of course, then I suppose Autumn is on your mind).

Happy Homemaking.


  1. I have to say that I expected the list to be the kind of thing we would laugh at - imagine women doing all THAT! But like most vintage advice books, there are some really simple, good ideas there. Sigh. I guess they were experts at this kind of thing. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Some things never change!! that looks like the list i hang in the bathroom for the kids!!
    love your tomato variety. very lovely looking.
    i got some for this year called "pink cadillac"~i hope they taste as good as the name!

  3. Thank for posting the list! And yes, I do enjoy my free time more when I've completed my homecaring tasks for the day!

    Mary Ellen
    The Working Home Keeper

  4. Thank you for the next list. I will be interested to hear a report on the first tasting of those tomatoes! Sounds delicious! I actually just came in from planting strawberries. I'm in the south so am able to start some things a little sooner. I'll just have to cover if the threat of frost comes, which it will!
