
Sunday, May 15, 2011

15 May "News Day"

I am not posting a blog today, but I still updated news items below (just scroll down). I am excited to try and keep this up daily, just to share the various vintage things I come across daily and normally might have to set aside until I could get to it with a post. And you can read previous days news by clicking the News Archive at the top of the page or go HERE. And the Vintage Daily News also has its own Rss reader HERE.

Enjoy and have a lovely Sunday and Happy Homemaking.


  1. I am truly enjoying the links. :) Thank you so much!

  2. I love your daily news!
    Today I wanted to write a comment, but the comment box didn't function. It kept saying "loading".
    I love the Old School knitting book, but wonder where the "Corner Store over the Pond" is? Shipping from the US is very expensive to Denmark, but I would like to buy it in your shop.
    Have a nice day, dear! :)

  3. amy m-thank you.
    Sanne-I forgot about my overseas shop. I shall retrieve it and put a link on the main page.

  4. You're a darling, I really want to buy through you, since it is your recommendation. :)
