
Monday, February 21, 2011

21 February 1957 “Kitchen Decor”

I just thought I would share this interesting ad for Kentile vinyl tiles.kentilead1

kitchen1  Here is a larger view you can see the commitment to the ‘outdoorsy’ look. The floor design has included the placement of pictorial tiles, here bunking broncos.

I like that they exterior siding that looks like a cross between Cedar shake and clapboard is used here. It gives a very indoor/outdoor look. The open grill which mother is cooking on while daughter watches continues the Barbeque indoors.

That tufted orange breakfast nook looks very inviting. And look how the drawers are part of the exterior siding look, so when closed they appear as a continuous outside wall.

The use of copper in the hood and the pans brings the warm hues of the breakfast nook. The yellow cafe curtains tie in the use of yellow in the tiles.

Sadly many of these early vinyl tiles included asbestos. So, I am not sure that they are dangerous unless you were to break them open and breath them? I wonder if they would still be safe to use if you had these already. Though, I am certain the 1980’s saw most of these floors into the dumpster and landfills.

What do you think of this color scheme and layout? It seems the concept of design was very theatrical in the 1950’s probably heavily influenced by the larger than life Technicolor sets in Hollywood films. dorisdaypillowtalk2

dorisdaypoodles It seems Doris Day was always in some lovely buttercup kitchen or white and pink bedroom, doesn’t it?dorisdaypillowtalk