
Sunday, March 3, 2013

3 March 1950 “Film for a Sunday: What the Butler Saw and Taking Stock, Let’s share”

Today I am presenting for your Sunday enjoyment a wonderful little British comedy from 1950 entitled, “What the Butler Saw”. It was directed by Godfrey Grayson and starring Edward Rigby, Henry Mollison and Mercy Haystead.It is a jolly little film about an Earl and his butler and a fun light one hour film good for a Sunday afternoon.
In my last post on drippings and fat we had a comment about making stock. I thought that would be a fun post to write and thought we should all join in. Therefore, today any of my readers who have their own recipes or hints for stock, do share them in the comments. Or, if anyone has specific questions about stock making, do so here as well and we can address them in the Stock making post. I think it would be relevant to also address fat rendering. And we can see how to render our own lard and fats and what we can make with such various renderings from simple suet to lovely pork fat and even coveted goose or duck fats. So, do share any ideas, tips or questions as to that.
I hope all have a lovely Sunday and before we go to our film here is some fun fashions for 1950. And as always, Happy Homemaking.
49dior 49fashion2



  1. Hi 50sgal,

    I mentioned in your last post that I add vinegar to my stock when I simmer bones. Doing so draws out more of the minerals from the bones and makes it more gelatinous as well.


  2. When we have a turkey I get more excited about the stock I will make from the bones than I do the meal LOL! I also add the vinegar. I save all the "bits" from the bottom of the pan when I cook meat and add to a "broth jar" in the freezer along with veg leftovers to add when I make broth. I love the challenge of not wasting ;o)
    One thing I wanted to mention - I use bacon grease/fat for 1/4 to 1/2 of the shortening in molasses cookies. I learned this from my mom and grandma. Try it - you won't believe how delicious they are.
    I am so enjoying these types of posts again, Donna! I really am grateful for all the work you put in. I was wondering - do you still dress vintage most days? Dee

  3. Hi 50sgal,

    I was the stock commenter from the last post! :) My current stock method is producing great results, but I'm anxious to get more tips. Usually every Sunday I roast a whole chicken and the next day I use the bones to make stock after I have picked all of the meat from the chicken and set it aside for other dishes during the week. I take the bones, skin, and any other bits from the chicken (I don't fret about making the bones completely clean, little bits of meat add some flavor, and the bits of skin help the stock to gel). I put all of the bones in a large stockpot and cover with water, and add 1 Tbsp of apple cider vinegar. I let the stock simmer for about 8-10 hours, skim and stir frequently, and then strain it. Sometimes I add veggie odds and ends but I find I quite like the stock just made with the bones (generally I put garlic, onions, and lemons in the cavity when I roast the chicken, and I just toss those into the stock as well... not very picky around here :) When I use this method I find that the stock gels nicely and has great flavor.

    I also reuse the bones several times. After I make stock I just let them cool and put them in the freezer to add to the bones from the next week. Although my freezer space is limited I make room for this because it really adds to the stock.

    So looking forward to fat rendering info!!!

    Keep up the great work on the blog!

  4. I started making stock in the crockpot and will never go back. You don't have to add more water or anything while it's cooking.

    For chicken/turkey I buy a whole chicken, or use the carcass after thanksgiving. I also cook chicken breasts for my lunch every week, so I've been saving the bones from that too.

    I add an onion and some carrots, fresh parsley if I have it. I let it cook overnight (usually about 12-16 hrs). I then strain through cheesecloth (one of my big pots has a steamer insert - I line that with cheesecloth and the broth goes through into the pot). If I used a whole chicken I will discard the bones and shred up the chicken - makes great sandwiches, and is also good to freeze - I can use it later in tortillas, quesadillas, on salads, as chicken salad, etc etc. The stock goes in the fridge. By evening the fat is usually solidified on top - I take it off (turkey is much more difficult than chicken - it's greasier or something. Beef comes up in a clean, solid sheet) and freeze the stock.

    My method for beef stock is the same - I buy beef soup bones (or save the bones if we have ribs), roast them with some onions and carrots for a half-hour or so, then put them in the crockpot. I usually add some apple cider vinegar and ground cloves. I also save any meat from the bones - my husband and I think it is incredibly delicious!

    So nice to be able to talk to others about this stuff - Robyn V.

  5. I am a little slow in responding to your post. We just butchered two pigs that we raised. This was a new experience for us. I did not have time to render the lard at the time. I have packages of lard and leaf lard waiting in the freezer to be rendered. I will be doing this soon and am excited to see how it goes. It will be my first time rendering lard. We had our first pork roast the other night and was amazed at the flavor. I usually find pork roast rather blah in flavor. But this was something more like a beef roast in flavor. Our pigs' pen was moved freguently so they had grass and roots to eat most of the time. Pastured pork lard is high in omega-3 and I wanted to make sure I got MY lard and not someone else's. That is why we jumped off the cliff and butchered our own. Exhausting, but glad we did it. I will be happy to share any information, once I get this lard rendered.
    Amy F.
