
Sunday, April 21, 2013

21 April 1951 “Movie for a Sunday: Young Wive's Tale”

Well, here we are again another Sunday. I hope you enjoy today’s film. It features a very small roll for a future star Audrey Hepburn.

The film is about the post-war housing crisis and in this scenario it leaves a shy woman to have to share a house with two couples.It touches on many of the early 1950’s issues of the housing needs of a returning army of soldiers and the vast increase in population due to the Baby Boom.

I hope you enjoy and have a lovely Sunday. And don’t forget to send me any guest posts you would like to share with our growing family here.

Happy Homemaking.


  1. Nice! You wanna check out my posts too!

  2. 50sgal,

    Just checking in to see if you're okay. It's been so long since we've heard from you.


  3. FYI: I'm unable to access the movie ... message pops up about copyright infringement, etc. Came across your site via Ilona's blog, 'Life After Money,' and am enjoying your posts. In fact, last night I watched your link to the movie, Father's Little Dividend. Thank you!

    Sharon in Alabama (USA)

  4. I miss your wonderful posts and hope all is well with you and yours. Dee

  5. I adore Audrey Hepburn. I clicked on the play button on the video and it says that the video has been terminated. I thought I would let you know.

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