
Friday, October 16, 2015

The 1950's Version of a Facebook Quiz and French Onion Soup

During my sojourn in the 1950’s my daily dose of information included not only books and magazines of the time, but the education films, made for school children, were often helpful. They gave an insight into the thoughts and ideals of the adult population of the day and of what they wished to impart to the next generation.
Yesterday I was going though them and found this one, “Act your Age” from 1949. The title made me laugh and of course think of Facebook. How many times do I see in my feed various ‘tests’: “What tea kettle are you?” What national brand sponge cake would you be? How much like this or that movie star is your dog?” I watched it.
Surprisingly, or actually not so as I often found in my year in the past, the film actually pointed out some rather sound advice and held a mirror to our own modern society. I was happy to see, once fully viewed, that in no one did the ‘bad or childish’ behaviour we were meant to not emulate if we were older include happiness or wonder. Those actions we often associate with child-like attitude of joy from simple things and pleasure in the moment were not looked down upon.
The actions it did associate as child-like made me really take note. These over reactions to things I have viewed on adults in front of children in department stores. A rash quick response which, if we really thought about it, might be better for our mental health were we to stop, assess the moment and then think, “Well, I should act a bit more calm and rational” Which, honestly, is all this film is asking of the young gentleman and ladies of the day.
In the film the main young man on his own makes a list that I thought would be fun to share. Because we could make it and ask friends, family, children, parents, what they think. It could easily be posted on Facebook to get laughs I am sure. Here is the list he made:


You will have to excuse the quality as I had to do a screen capture of the film. The idea was, if you can’t make it through the film, was that he made this list then rated himself and then asked others what they thought. You might think you act 10 when someone disagrees with you, but you friend might think you act like a toddler. That sort of thing. With the idea that one would monitor their reactions and hope for improvement.
In today’s instant world and endless stuff, we often can seem like a creche’ of spoiled children. We want what we want and we want it now and if we don’t get it you bet you are gonna get an ear full or a tantrum. One has to only ask the poor tired Retail sales person about adults ‘child-like’ behaviour.
Enjoy the film for what it is and let me know if you agree disagree or even care about reactions to situations by adults in our modern world.
And to close on a yummy note, here is last nights home-made French onion soup.

 I just use this recipe:

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