
Saturday, August 1, 2009

1 August 1955 "Checking In...Having a Yard Sale"

I have been busy again and getting ready for a yard sale for tomorrow. I am determined to be prepared for our move come Sept.

Any good finds you want to share you found at yard sales?

I wonder how common they were in 1955?


  1. I found a gorgeous 1950's fridge at are neighbors yard sale but they wanted 100 dollars for it, but it was way rusted and impossible to open so I passed. But yesterday at an Estate sale I found the most amazing iron from the late 1950's still factory wrapped never been used, its so adorable and quite a steal at 5 dollars I will be putting pictures on my blog soon. At the same sale I found some hair supplies from the 1950's still in the package as well as a super neat heater from the 1960's for 3 dollars.

    Hope your garage sale goes well and you make a ton of sales.

    ♥ Darla

  2. You know, call me nuts, but I adore holding yard sales almost (note, I said "almost" ;D) as much as I love shopping at them. I think it hearkens back to my desire to constantly keep my house as clutter-free as possible. That or perhaps it's just fun to be on the other side of the bargaining table for once.

    But enough about moi! I hope yours was a wonderful success and that everything goes really smoothly for your upcoming move.

    Wishing you a splendid week ahead,
    ♥ Jessica

  3. my family is a clan of "professional junkers" :) so i have many many finds from yard sales. all my dishes, jewelry(vintage rhinestone collection), and much of my furniture has come from someone else's castoffs! i love yard sales!
    i hope yours went really well, that you got rid of a lot, and made some good cookie jar money to boot! xo

  4. Just to give a different response, :) I have never been to a yard sale nor held one. I do however wish you the very best for yours! I'm sure it would have been done efficiently and beautifully. Kindest regards.. From Linda

  5. all I know is the nicer it is arranged, like shopping in a botique, the more you will sell. not like a junk shop and people find it easy to shop and pleasant experience.

  6. We had a garage sale last spring and the best part was hanging out with neighbors (a few other families did it the same days) after our long winter and, taking a break from my routine and getting rid of clutter. We didn't make much money, especially after I factored in the pizza we bought for dinner because we were so pooped and the cost of the ad, supplies, and stuff to keep the kids busy. (The kids sold lemonade on one day of it but the rest of the time they had to keep busy and hubby took them out to lunch.)

    Overall I'd say it was fun but I don't know if I'd do it again for at least a few years. One thing that bugged me was that so many people bargained really hard like they just wanted me to give stuff to them. Honestly, I'd rather donate the clothes and household items to a family in need, rather than give into greed, which is what we did with the stuff that didn't sell.

    I guess you have to try to balance how much you're giving away versus your time in preparing for the sale. It took me a good month of going thru each child's dressers and closets, then my hubby's and mine. Then going thru the basement, garage, kitchen, and playroom. The two days before the sale I literally did nothing else but get the kids to and from school and toss together some sort of dinner.

    I hope your sale went well and you enjoyed it.

    I've gotten a few very nice vintage cookbooks at garage/estate sales and some kitchen work bowls, those old glass refrigerator food containers for the 1950 on back, those wonderful magazines, and a few other items.

    I love the really full estate sales where going into the home is like taking a step back in time. They're so cozy. I can always tell a lot about the people- like if they're readers, had children, etc. The sad part is seeing the medical supplies (like walkers and Depends) that the person or people needed toward the end of their life (or lives). But then looking around the home I can imagine a happy family LIVING their lives- celebrating holidays in the dining room, making breakfast in the kitchen, tucking little ones into their beds, sitting on the porch on a hot night. It's relaxing that way- and buying the things they no longer need keeps the owners somewhat still alive in spirit, even thought I didn't even know them. Like those 1940's magazines- I can imagine the woman of the house reading one on the porch on a hot summer day, drinking a glass of iced tea while she waits for the laundry to dry on the line and the kids play in the yard. Ahhhh.

    I wonder when yard sales became popular. During the 50's I'd assume the consumerism for the newest products may have led to them but in the 40's and 30's it seems like nothing usable would have been cast off. Of course swapping children's clothing was probably done during most decades. I know I still do it with neighbors and friends. :)

    Let us know how it worked out.


  7. About 1968, my grandparents gave me a child-sized tea set that I loved. Unfortunately, a painter knocked the pot off the shelf and smashed it. Just a couple of years ago I was at my neighbor's garage sale and he was selling a child-sized tea pot. It was exactly the same size and shape as the one I had, made by the same manufacturer, although rather than having a bouquet of flowers on it, this pot had a single rose repeated over the entire pot. I bought it for $3. When I told this story to a friend she said that my grandmother in heaven must have done the best she could to get me a replacement. My daughter and I have tea often with this little set.

  8. I don't remember any garage/yard sales in the 1950's or early sixties. I do, however, remember a lot of church rummage sales. The cheezy items sold at church bazaars were great fun.

    Anon-It is easy to wax nostalgic about life in the 50's, and I must say that life was better then than now. However, few women sat on their porches drinking iced tea. I grew up in a post WWII housing development which was very common here in the northeast. There weren't any porches to speak of. A few had a covered area over the front door, but the neighbor would sit there in the early evening reading a book waiting for her husband to come home from work. Sometimes the women got together around a neighbor's pool and drank gin and tonics--not my family's preference. Most women would escape from the heat of the summer by escaping to the semi-finished to finished basements. That is where many of us had dinner. I only knew of one person who had air conditioning. By the late sixties, it was much more common.

    The one thing I miss, however, is the children playing in the streets, on front lawns, and at the parks. Driving through our small town, few, if any children can be seen playing outside. Play is supervised and usually indoors. Will this generation never know hop scotch, jump rope, tag, Simon Sez, street hockey, kick ball, or Mother may I?

    No Idle Hands

  9. No Idle Hands- Yes, I know you're right about nostalgia. But it's nice to think about anyway. Thanks for sharing your perspective. I love how you described the housewife sitting outside reading while waiting for her hubby to come home. Her housework must have been done! I feel like mine never is.

    Just so you feel better about this generation of children- my 3 play outside, all the games you mentioned plus capture the flag is a favorite. Our neighborhood has a lot of young families and many SAHM, as we're called today. The kids have their regular neighborhood playmates but sometimes a friend of a friend will end up at our house. It makes me feel connected to my neighbors because I always know the parents. There's still a lot of supervised activities and classes but we live in a cold climate so it's more for the winter.

    As much as my kids play outside it's not nearly as much as we did as kids. It's sad. It's also not giving children a chance to make their own fun and learn the social skills to get along with others because there's always a parent or teacher to settle quibbles. I hope our society soon sees the ills of overprotecting our children to the point of not letting them grow up. These kids will be interesting adults.


  10. Just checking in, such great comments! The sale went fairly well, but am doing it again next sunday with better signs. Gussie did a fine job setting it up like a 'little boutique' so cups and a vintage coffee urn were placed on a side table nexta chair, all for sale, really darling.
    One thing I have noticed with children, though I have none myself, is that in their own neighborhoods people tend to be paranoid about their children, not wanting them to go too far and to always know where they are, but once in the malls and stores, these same parents seem to care less and I often see very young children just wandering around without a parent. It seems reverese, as if you should feel comfortable and safe with your child in an area you live and be more protective of them in public stores and restaurants as well as teaching them manners of not wandering and pulling everything off the shelf. Odd, indeed. Has anyone else noticed this, or is it just me as I am childless and too critical?
    Back to packing and getting ready for sept 1. I am going to do a post this evening, I think, but today is laundry day and there is some yard work to do as well as more packing and I promised a friend to drop off some of my 'bee keeping' equipment as she has captured a swarm, very interesting and can't wait to see what that is like and how one goes about 'getting them'.

  11. 50'sgal- No, you're not too critical. It's true. I see this a lot. I keep my kids stuck to me at the mall but at our neighborhood pool on our street I'm more relaxed.

    Glad the sale went well. If you're selling any vintage magazines I'm interested!


  12. I am trying to downsize things, but I am covetous of my magazines. I have quite a collection crom as early as the 1870s right up until 1959, that seems to be right around the time I lose interest. Though, as I rearrange my new house and life, when I find I have loved a magazine enough, then I would let you, my readers, be the first to know. We have to share the love, right?

  13. Hi, I just found your site and have been reading your updates. Where do you find vintage magazines? I love all things vintage and am a magazine junkie myself. Thanks for any help.Jennifer
