
Monday, August 3, 2009

3 August 1955 "Free Online Cookbook"

I am going to start by saying that some of my posts my be less indepth and involved this month, August, as I am trying to back up one house and preparing the second where we will move come Sept 1. I am going to try my darndest to keep up with my blogs this month, but do know that come Sept, I will be settled in enough to do my usual more thorough well thought out posts.

For today I thought you might enjoy this: I had a commenter right me and tell me she found a book at an estate sale called, "Mrs. Owens Cookbook" and wanted to know what I knew about it. What I found out is that it was first written in 1870s and had a few reprints. Then I found this great link to the 1903 edition that will allow you to download it for free or read it online for free, so have at it gals. It is not 1950's but very intersting anyway. Enjoy and I hope it works. I had to use Firefox browser to get it to open to read online, but downloading might be easier and then you can read at your leisure whenever you want. Here is the LINK.
Now, here are some random summery 1955 photos to enjoy:


  1. 50's gal- THANK YOU for the link!!! It's so nice to see Mrs. Owens and read the title page and year of publication. You were so sweet to research it for me. I don't know why I didn't think of that.

    I found the information very interesting. Toward the end of the book there is general household recipes (like cures for various ailments) and baby and invalid care. Our modern day cook books certainly don't have this kind of references. It also goes into a little detail on housekeeping.

    Thank you again, 50's gal. You are a treasure.


  2. Thanks for the great links and pics. Love your blog!

  3. Oh neat. The first photo is Ocean Beach in San Francisco. I was last there a month ago and recognized it immediately.
    This is my first comment, but I've been reading the blog for a couple of months now and have finally caught up to your new posts. You do such a thorough job in your posts, and it is completely understandable that they will have to be pared down during your move. Good luck with all of that! I've recently (as in a few months ago) done a big international move, and I'm still reeling from it. Actually, I started reading your blog right after I moved here (France) from the U.S. and was particularly interested to note that many of the differences you were finding between 2009 U.S. and 1955 U.S. also exist between 2009 U.S. and 2009 France. Well, non-urban France anyway.


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  5. Love your blog! have cyber stalked it for ages now. Where do you find all your lovely 50's photos? x

  6. *sigh* You are driving me to madness, 50'sgal. hee is 12:30 AM here and I am up cleaning my bathroom. I wasn't feeling well last week with a minor cold. Enough to feel crummy, but not enough to say I was seriously ill. Anyways, I was sitting here catching up on your posts, and looked at my bathroom, and I am now in the middle of scubbing it down. My hubby, unfortunately, works in the steel business and comes home FILTHY. My poor shower/tub suffers from it. I didn't get to power scrub it last week (due to not feeling well) and I cannot take it anymore. Well, the cleaner has set for a while, so I should be able to rinse. I HATE my old porcelin tub/ tile surround. It is a nightmare to keep clean. Any tips from other readers would be nice...

    BTW...sorry for highjacking the comments. Didn't mean to. :)

  7. 50's gal:

    Thank you so much for posting a link to Mrs. Owens' cook book. I hope you won't mind if I also post the link on my website along with your link, too. I think this cook book and your website are such goodies, I can't help myself--I must share them!!

    You are a treasure!

    I feel such a connection with you and your readers that is lacking irl.

    Suburbia (to me) is a lonely/unfriendly place which I hope to make more neighborly with my site and personal interactions.

    I hope your packing/moving is going smoothly.

    Working hard at

  8. Those pictures made me think about how beach attire has changed so much over the years. Amazing!

  9. kris7-share the love and link on! I hope once I get settled to really start looking at our community in a more indepth way. I really am growing to love it and want to make it more than just my one year project.

  10. Oh 50sGal you do make my heart beat faster when you talk of extending this community! Suburbia is so lonely for those of us who do not work outside the home. Even the older couples on my street are non-homemakers and always travelling :-(


  11. Just wanted to tell you that I've written a long comment to 26 July - I'm not sure if you get emails when I comment on older posts.

    Have a lovely day, dear. :)


  12. PS: I just LOVE the photo of the four girls in the bathing suits, SO elegant!

  13. I am a 17 years old girl, so i don't know a lot about that time, i love your blog and i'll be readind constantly. Really it's better than searching in other webs, you have it all. Congratulations!! And thanks for all the good information, and photos and videos! Seriously Thhaanks!
