Certainly, at breakneck speeds, what do we accomplish except waste of gas and possible injury? Why do we need, in certain areas, to increase and always grow and make new and therefore need to keep buying. Think of cell phones: do you recall a time when you bought a phone for you home and really, unless you wanted to change the color, you just kept it? Now, we must have faster, more gadgets, smaller, new colors the latest in our phones. I have tried to keep a cell phone, but the blasted thing inevitably breaks down: Designed and PLANNED Obsolescence!
We certainly want to get to a hospital quickly if we are in need of aid, but do we need to drive everywhere quickly? Does our need to be faster only increase the things we need to do out of the home and then lead to our being more harried and rushed?
I now I am being extreme, but it is to make a point. There is so much of the modern world that we just assume Has to be. But really it is only because we all, collectively, buy into it. Would cell phones have grown and become what they are if only a few people bought them? They are nice to have in emergencies, but how did we fare before them? What did soccer moms do before there were cars to take children to things? Did they do more near home? Did their children have more freedom to walk or bike to places? Were they expected to be more ‘grown up’ earlier and be at home helping cook and clean and work around the house? I wonder.
Again, I am not playing the ‘World was better than’ look through rose-colored glasses game. I am merely putting the idea out there. What was better then? What is better now? Why do we blindly accept every new thing as a fact and feel the need to go out and buy it. Planned Obsolescence. And, we buy into it.
Certainly, many things have improved, but are we more servants now to consumerism and want and entertainment for all of it? Surely, with our technology, we should have the choice and power to choose how to live our life and have more ease than ever before in history. And yet I see that we all just blindly follow trends and lead ourselves into debt and trouble for want of new toys.
An example of the expectations of one generation to another, in my 1948 “Woman's Home Companion” Household Book, there is a section( with detailed descriptions) on how to upholster an overstuffed chair. It takes you down to the frame, has you hammer on webbing and refasten and coil springs; Not toss it out and go to Wal-Mart and buy something that will fall apart in two months, then toss that on the increasing garbage piles. It assumes you will take apart what you have or what you have got from someone, and redo it. A level of personal expertise that no modern book would expect of a modern person, buy why?
Are we more helpless or less clever than past generations? Certainly we know more, we think, so how could it be hard for us to try? But, that is just it: It is hard, at first. It is a challenge, and why try? Why not just go buy the thing, it’s only 50 dollars to get a cheap chair, but really why not save the money?
Shelter 20-25%
Food 35%
Clothing 10%
Operating Expenses 10-15%
Savings 12 1/2 %
Personal Comfort 10%
Then, I found this paragraph interesting under Installment Buying
“It is always preferable to pay cash for anything bought in a retail store, since otherwise the credit must be paid for also. It might be wise to find out how much installment payments would cost and to put aside that amount each month until there is enough to pay cash. This, incidentally, is a good way of determining just how much can be saved by cash payment, because the number of installments put aside will be fewer than the number which would otherwise have been paid to a dealer.”
There is much good knowledge in this old book. Many things, myself, I am still struggling to get right. And yet, never has anyone taken the good sense to just sit down and talk of such things. I know of many people who just spend without budget or concern. It is the norm, at least it seems so to me.
After yesterdays ‘green’ discussion mixed with what I have been considering today, I really feel like we have moved away from practical learning and doing. Parks are great for recreation, but we also need land to grow our food. The way we now live, it is as if we think food just magically comes into our life or that it is manufactured, when in fact the grain even in wonderbread had to be grown somewhere. The meat neatly packaged at the super market had to be fed and raised.
Here on the cape we have had all our train tracks ripped out in the 1990s and replaced with paved paths for leisure bike rides. At first it seems a good idea, benefitting health, but how often do the majority of people use it? My hubby and I once took advantage of it when we lived without cars and bikes were our main source of travel, but really to make paths for an odd Sunday's day off outing? Think of all the travel that could be done from town to town and off cape for less using less energy had the tracks been left and the trains allowed to run. B
The ideas of parks as places to sit on grass (or not sit on the grass as some signs say) why not land for locals or townsfolk to use to grow local food or spots to graze small animals such as goats etc. I know there is some of this beginning, at least with growing our own food, but I really began to think about how we use and live in our towns and cities now. How we have slowly let the actual making/growing/craft and skill move out of our towns cities and countries, until we are really importing so much of what we use. It is as if we are turning our whole country into a bedroom community. Certainly,It would seem ‘icky’ to have the smell and the mess of animals in common area or places where they are forbidden, but if we were expected to clear up as much as hygienically possible, then who cares. The Boston Common once was a pasture for grazing cows. Surely, that would seem odd today, but why not a section where there could be some local animals raised for food and milk and eggs for people. We certainly have enough homeless who need food and there are many who would like to buy local. How have we become squeamish prissy individuals that don’t like the smell of animals, or to know how the food gets on our plate?
Certainly I am not saying everyone should be farmers, but there used to be a middle ground between a large farmer and just a dwelling consumer. Now the majority of us merely buy our manufactured foods and products unaware of where they originated. But why do we do this?
I really think, if the buy local and green concept is going to really do any good and follow itself to good roots, such concepts as how we now use our shared space and land where strip mall after strip mall goes up, will come into question. Honestly, how many places do we need to buy jeans and house wares? What if 1/4 of that land was used to farm and grow, even if it were a business. A plot of land where others might rent a space to keep goats for milk or chickens for eggs and then they can sell some back to the community to make money and those who buy would support their neighbors. I know it sounds odd or severe, but when and will we ever really be a country that can rely upon ourselves. I understand the need for a global economy, but isn’t it more realistic to work within our own borders first, for if others stop trade then what would we do? I even understand that some farmers are actually paid not to farm? How can this be?
Here in American it sees as if we have slowly pushed out the actual making and manufacturing of our products to other countries and removed the practical from our schools. Certainly it is important to know Shakespeare and learn to use a computer, but to also know how to cook , balance a check book, build a chair and fix a car, these are important skills as well. Unless you are in an exclusive private school where the students are most likely to end up in a situation where all these type of things can be done for them, such actual knowledge should be des rigueur for our younger generations and ourselves, I might add.
Some where along the way( it seems to have happened after WWII) we have moved from the practical towards unskilled masses wanting to be always entertained.
When you really think about the hours spent at entertainment (TV, movies ,video games, computer) for a person today compared to someone even 50 years ago, it is staggering. We have become such lax passive participants in life, that we even expect simple techniques as balancing budgets to become a sort of entertainment. Suzy Ormon is an example. She probably is just telling her followers common sense, but in a media format it gets paid attention to and seems some great secret. When, really, it is skills we should all have and have been taught or could teach ourselves, but unless we see it on tv or in a magazine, it seems to have little value. It seems we have become a sort of people who do not have self-motivation or determination to make our own decisions and understand where and why we do the things we now do.
It took time to create the type of people we now have who, for example, make 8 dollars an hour to think it normal to pay over 300 a month on a car that is instantly worth less as you drive it off the lot.
I don’t know the exact moment in time when this seems to have started. I know I have sort of picked on the baby boomers of late, but I do sometimes find myself going back to that first spoiled generation. They seemed to have got all the love and warm cooked meals of their parents generation and spent their parents money at college where they learned to hate and scorn those very skills. And to make fun of the separate strength women and men had during the time of crisis and call it unfair. Then, not wanting to grow up, they turned to drugs to find alternative realities, all the while expecting their grandchildren to somehow magically become the adults their parents were in the 1950s to help support them in their old age with social security. I know that sounds harsh and it is hardly a fair look at an entire generation, but I do see examples of such people in my sphere.
But, let’s not point blame. It is good to follow a line of reason to it’s purpose to see what happened so it doesn’t happen again, surely. To learn from our mistakes. But, the key point being to learn rather than to point the finger of blame is what is needed, I think.
That leads me to another element of today’s society, which seems to be the “blame game”. It can be easy to look to others as the source of our own woes and unhappiness. There are countless talk/chat shows devoted to just that. Parents who themselves have had a child at 16, did drugs, and most likely were horrid to their own parents get on and cry and wonder how it is that their child does the same thing. People shout and point fingers at the unfaithful lover, the over eater, the enabler. Sometimes it is true that others are part of our own problems, but the actual majority of blame goes to ourselves. That, however, is a pill too hard to swallow, sometimes. So, why should we?
We worry about the world we live in and then when we are told what we can do: stop supporting big chains, save your money, use cash and not debit/credit cards, make your own food/clothes, restrict your entertainment budget and time, that is all too hard and we don’t want to hear it. So, we turn the TV on, sit in the darkened room staring at the computer, and wonder why our world is the way it is.
I know how hard it is to tick through that list of things to try yourself to feel you are changing, at least, your own portion of the world. It is hard, but very rewarding.
Now, having had to for this project, I am for the most part unplugged. It makes the world feel a more thoughtful place. That is I feel, on some level, I can both hear and think more without the distraction. And then it comes right down to it: Distraction.
It is all a big distraction. Wave the keys in front of the baby to make her stop crying. Here, look at the shiny pictures and the funny people on the TV and computer, while I slip in these ads for things you must have. Here, now, is advertising for a way of life disguised as entertainment: Reality shows that reward and highlight bad behavior and greed.
We now always expect something for anything we do. Certainly, we expect pay for our work, as we do need to live. But, if we do not have instant gratification for our pleasure hours (i.e. all the time we are awake and not at work) we don’t want it. Learning an instrument is hard work and the pay off comes AFTER all the frustration and struggle, but why not have the feeling of merely playing in a band with this video game. The concept of virtual life is slowly creeping over all of us. We are giving up our own personal power and self gratification and skill sets to mindless entertainment, and it really scares me.
I may seem as if I am trying to ‘take all the fun away’ but this is not about what NOT to do or what to merely take away, but what we are missing out on. By not getting or trying to do ourselves, by always seeking fulfillment in objects and entertainment, I think we are selling our lives short.
I don’t know how we have come to be this way. Certainly, if you are fabulously wealthy, such a life is more doable, though probably still empty. But, in that case, if you suddenly feel the need to change, it is easy to do. But, for the majority of us, we get caught in the web of needing things and entertainment and then we are stuck at jobs we hate with endless bills and now way to entertain nor do anything ourselves, so we buy more to distract: the next video game, the next cell phone, the next computer. They all cost more and we NEED them to distract from the unhappiness of our lives. Then, we don’t know how to cook dinner or make dessert, so we buy prepackaged food. More garbage, more calories, more waste, more money, therefore more time to work for more money to feed the need for new toys. It is a maddening wheel slowly perpetuated by advertising through our entertainment media and we somehow think we cannot get off.
Can we get off?
How do we begin?
Really the very real concept of just entertaining ourselves without great expense seems to be undoable. Even watching TV is expensive. If you asked someone in 1955 to first pay for the TV and THEN keep paying each month to be able to watch shows, TV would have died out. Those people would have laughed at you to think, “Pay to watch TV, are you nuts?” Yet, a few generations later and we, none of us, can’t wait to pay for anything, it is so easy. We don’t see the money. It is some magical thing that goes automatically from our work to our bank and we use little plastic disks to purchase things. I never see the money, so it is easy to spend more than I have. I never have to see the food I eat nor how it is prepared, so more prepackaged chemical filled products please, as long as it is easy and doesn’t interfere with my leisure time.
I know I have really gone on this rant before. I also know I am as guilty of these very ‘sins’. But, in realizing my own involvement in them, has made me realize what a hold they have over me. And, trying to free myself from some of it, has made me realize when I do have a success at it, how wonderful I do feel.
I don’t want to seem preachy or the bossy school mistress, I only want all of us to realize how much potential we do have. We are certainly not less skilled than past generations and we have so much more, so I want us to take what we have and enjoy it along with reviving our own skills. The more we can do ourselves and save and help our family, the more fun and enjoyment will we get from our leisure entertainment time.
Try a new skill this week. Make something you thought you could not even try. What if you fail? Try again, right? The more you try to do yourself the more you will find yourself living your life instead of passing the time.
Happy Homemaking.
Yeah, it's interesting to me how disconnected everyone is in the age of connectedness. People tweet and IM and watch things all the time but there is so little actual living going on in people's lives. I love the idea of restoring "Commons" as part of parks.... By the way, what is it that is so offensive about food animals in their pens and pastures? Only the worst managed ones are really dirty or have awfully gross areas.... It always puzzles me how people can't stand the idea of say, chickens, in an area. They cluck a little, but one would think that TV, etc. would have trained everyone to block out noise they don't want to hear. Oh well. If I were famous or in public office I would campaign really hard for reformed "small farmer" laws to make it much easier to sell small amounts of eggs and meat and still have people be assured of sanitariness. Right now the modern famer model includes several thousand acres, the skills of a NYSE trader, the constant paid professionals to administer chemicals, the ability to wade through seas of government paperwork all year round, lots of money for licenses, and really good luck to have one profitable year out of three. Being a farmer in the best circumstances today is like trying to keep from getting strangled, and only half succeeding. There are many people who would love to contribute a little to local food chains but can't because the laws are too difficult and not doable for little people.
ReplyDeleteI liked what you said about waving keys in front of a baby. :-) That's a good analogy for TV!
You know? So many children come to the farm not realizing that this is where your food comes from. *This* is a goat and *that* is an alpaca. Even when I was in elementary school, we had a "banking day" every week. I was always so excited to deposit (real)money and see how much I'd saved. Perhaps that's why I enjoy paying bills and balancing my checkbook, now? It was presented as a positive experience way back then. When I entered junior high, Life Skills class was a joke! They "taught" us how to cook. Sure. We cooked macaroni and cheese from scratch or cake and cookies. High school elective time. What did I choose? Fashion (to learn how to sew, because, no matter how easy my sister made it look, I just needed someone to teach me) and Wood shop (I'm the only girl on the farm now that can use all of the tools given me!) Classes kids should be required to take. Skills we should all learn beginning at an early age. I'm glad I did, but it was all merely by choice.
ReplyDeleteHark! My flute and harp and dulcimer call! Add to that the plans for French lessons. Then, of course, there is the planning I must do to decide on what shall be done for my plot of garden beginning in the Fall.
As usual, some well considered points 50's gal. I hope that those of us like-minded individuals in the blog world are doing more than preaching to the choir. I was very fortunate to grow up with a vegetable garden that supplied a large part of our diet ( and in which my sister and I were required to toil)and have a mother who made our clothes and taught us to cook and sew. I believe that my father would not let me get my driver's lisence without me knowing how to check the oil and other little car maintance details and I certainly was also taught basic carpentry. We watched TV but it was not mindless watching and usually a family event. I enjoyed home-economics and wood and metal shop form grade six to eight. These courses are unavailable to my children and only offered to students in the few technical highschools where most of the young people have had an history of poor performance in school and often behaviour problems and learning disabilties. My husband and I are doing our best to teach these skills in the home but as they our children are involved in music, dance and some athletics, there is limited time during the school year.
ReplyDeleteI have re-upholstered and chair and I am not yet finished my secound sofa. This was not a skill learned in school but an attitude that most skills can be learned with a little effort. A book later and some careful examination of what I was taking apart combined with the knowledge that I could do it led to success. I strongly feel that the middleclasses have given up their children's birthright of resourcefulness in favour of the easier route (for the parent) of consumerism. It means that the younger generation will not have a better life than their parents or grandparents and they will lead an existence not unlike nineteenth century factory workers. That environment will not engender the humanity required to fix some of our societal problems and will only push them farther from the quality of life that our grandparents work so hard to attempt to achieve. If you are worried about appearing bossy in your rant, remember that we need to be thinking of these issues. Also consider the value that living the life you are choosing and sharing its successes and fulfillment is what will likely create the most impact on others.
I have always found self-sufficiency an intriguing idea. Total self-sufficiency is impossible, of course, but just how far could a person go?
ReplyDeleteThe idea of living within a community and sharing resources is smart. We don't all have to raise animals for milk while at the same time, grow wheat, be carpenters, metal workers, etc. It would be wonderful for each household to pick a few areas of expertise and then all neighbors could get together and barter or sell wares and services.
Anyway, I was saying to some boomer relatives just the other day this idea about self-sufficiency and they kept coming back with, "yeah, but it's so much easier to run to Wal-Mart." I just couldn't break through. It was actually scary to me.
Have we been brainwashed by big boxes?
Working hard at www.sccworlds.com
YES we definitely HAVE been brainwashed. The mere fact that the majority of people spend their 'free time' and many their 'work time' plugged in and tuned on and into the media/ad machine, how could we not be. I sometimes feel as if we are all just living some giant advert of the 21st century. It as if since tv (and radio in the beginning) most technology has been in the guise of entertainment, but was really just amazing adverts. Even the early tv shows were just commercials for products with some show tagged on. It is scary to me how controlled we are and amazing to me with Walmart. I know I always seem to pick on them, but they to me seem to represent the ultimate in reprhensible. They have the best spin that has them come off "American as apple pie" so if you try to talk against them it seems as if you are anit american or leftest, while they sell their 'american named' products made in china by the sweat of children and highly support communism! If any one took a second to see what price is paid to save a few bucks, they would stop shopping there. The old adage still and will always hold true, "nothing is free and you get what you pay for".
ReplyDeleteI know it is easy, I fall prey to such activity myself, but when I consciously try not to and think about how to not fall into that trap, I save money, feel better about myself and seem to end up doing more myself. It is sad to me that even that great generation has fallen into the trap of ease in their age. I wonder how many of them have set aside their own abilites to the ease of Walmart and etc? It is up to us, the younger generations even any of you boomers out there, to try and make a difference. It will never just happen. And, I also agree, that it is annoying the term 'green' but if it does help. But, then again, is it good if those who change because of popularity and buzz words without understanding or educating themselves? For, when it suits, won't they simply fall prey to the next big thing? Even the concept of the hybrid car. It is good in and of itself and we should have had it years ago (it was crushed by auto makers/oil) but the idea is 'how can we get a new fuel source to continue on as we are' instead of 'how can we rely on such transportation less!' We just replace one consumption with another. I don't want to again to always be pointing out the negative, so I really am glad that we here are trying our best to change, that is a positive that makes it all seem better somehow!
Kris7, why do you think that total self-sufficiency is impossible? It would just be a matter of seeing what you could do without.
ReplyDeleteI've been having partial self-sufficiency fantasies a lot lately though (been rewatching 'The Good Life'), including a great deal of barter and bulk-buying for things we couldn't grow (bulk buying of grains to home grind and the like). Of course it's all a pipe dream for me now as I don't even have a fire escape, let alone an inch of ground to grow things.
Teru-I wonder if Kris7 meant that even if one were to go out into the woods on a few acres of land paid for, there would still be need to pay taxes and the like. One of my pipe dreams (and we have gone as far as look at property in the past years) is to have some acreage in maine or nh to have a handbuilt home of antiquity one day. Live rustic etc. Not sure if I could do it year round, but it'd be a great experiment and would make a wonderful year long project/book. Dream on, I can, right?
ReplyDeleteI guess I mean that total self-sufficiency is impossible because we would still need professions like dentists and there doesn't seem to be enough time in the day to become proficient at every needed thing.
ReplyDeleteThen, I guess we could define "needed." Survival needs are provided for us in the wild, I believe, but how much do we want to sacrifice? And, to consider less-than-enthusiastic family members, compromise might be more palatable.
Anyways...I have also had a self-sufficiency wish since I saw The Adventures of the Wilderness Family movie in 1975. BTW...I could be defined as a boomer. Ha!
Teru: Is that the Good Life British sitcom? I like those, too.
Yay! I like these comment days. (I don't feel so crazy--no offense everyone)
Thanks 50sgal!
ReplyDeleteOh yes, the idea of property taxes scares me, too. Is there a limit to the amount we can be charged? Our taxes around here have gone up to allow for the population increase (for schools, mostly) and older people are being taxed out of their homes. It's sad and unfair.
50s gal, it may be interesting for you to know that in Europe in some places, at least, you can rent a piece of land from the city government and have a garden. You could grow vegetables or flowers, or both - whatever you wish.
ReplyDeleteWe have those gardens in our town, too. Most people put houses on their land, so that it becomes a recreation place It's not that expensive, either, though it's mostly older folks and mid-eastern immigrants who seem to do it. The point is, if you rent it you are kind of tied to it and you end spending a lot of free time there and younger folks prefer travelling and partying and going on vacation.
Don't you have community gardens in USA?
Greetings from Holland
We do have community gardens. In fact, they just started one in town, and a few neighboring towns have some well-established plots. They're certainly nowhere near as extensive as I would like to see, that's for sure!
ReplyDeleteYes,we do. In fact where we live in Boston, in the Back Bay, there is a few blocks down, the Fens (Fenway) and they have quite a large community garden. I don't believe it costs, you simply need to live in the area and be on a waiting lists, but I know of no such gardens in any areas around here that would allow say, an apt dweller, to use the land to keep chickens or a goat, instead of using their plot for veg and I was thinking more along those lines as well. The idea that food is not only vegetables, but meat and eggs and milk. One milk goat in a small area could probably make enough milk and cheese to barter with the neighboring plots for veg and fruit etc and it would be a little closer to local-sustenance. You know what I mean? I have an aunt who has quite a few hundred acres on a lake where she has a house and she rents out a large parcel of it to local farmers for crops and now some of it for their horses, but I don't know if that is the norm. Even here where I live, it would be interesting if towns had areas that they were marked as parks to become shared gardens for animals and vegetables. Perhaps it will be something I will recommend if I take next year to be my 'social/community' year. This year, though, I need to get things into shape and my skills down before I can have local townies and town officials over for dinner and swaying bridge nights to help improve the town, wink wink
ReplyDeleteI was looking at the regulations for livestock in Boston last week (after watching more of The Good Life (yes, the 1970s British series)). You need special permission for any farm animals, but over the river in Cambridge you can have laying hens. A goat would be fantastic! I haven't milked anything* in years but do know how to make cheese. Soft goat cheese in incredibly easy too.
ReplyDelete*that sounds odd - it was a cow I last milked btw
I can't get past the musk of goats' milk/cheese. It would be fun to try, though!
ReplyDeleteThe income breakdown is interesting. I put our spending to the test based on our income. We spend a little more on housing but a lot less on food. You'd think food wouldn't be such a big difference since economists warned of huge price increases. But we spend closer to 8%- not 35%. Was food more expensive because it was less produced or do we just eat a lot more junk than I think?
ReplyDeleteI agree we've, for the most part, become a nation of "employers". We employee others to fix our appliances, cars, our dinners. Like you said we "need" more money so we can pay someone else to do our work. It's just strange.
What makes me mad about some technology is that it's not really better, it's just the new thing. Like DVD's. My kids scratch them so easily. Yes, rewinding VHS tapes takes time but they hold up better and are easier to get to exactly the scene you want. I cannot tell you how many times we've rented DVDs only to get them home to find them scratched. So the video store has to give us a credit and replace the DVD in their inventory. Sigh.
"Some where along the way( it seems to have happened after WWII) we have moved from the practical towards unskilled masses wanting to be always entertained."
I haven't posted before, 50'sgal, but I have been reading your posts from the beginning, I have now just caught up with your current ones ( I am about a day or two off).
First of all, I must agree wholeheartedly with you about the blind sheep attitude we have in modern times about having to buy the newest thing on the shelves. I have caught myself doing it in the past. Thankfully, I am trying to get away from it.
I would also like to say that you have reminded me that being a homemaker is a respectable, challenging, and interesting lifestyle. And it is a lifestyle. I have been re-motivated to work harder to keep my house and put dinner on te table every night. I am even using some of the recipes you have posted. It is alot more difficult around here, for I have 4 children, and they range from 10 - 1. Believe me, they keep me hopping, haha.
Still, I love that you have a writen correspondence with some of the posters and perhaps we can pick up with that. I think it would be wonderful to have a penpal who loves the past as much as I do.
Keep up the good work and the question asking. It makes me look at my own world a litle more carefully.
The words 'accounting" and 'depreciation" are not mentioned here. buy a $2000 laptop and it will be worth $500 in 3 years. That is $1500 in depreciation. How much have Americans lost on the depreciation of automobiles since 1955. The nitwit economists can't tell us.
Economic Wargames
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